Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] and [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Who had forgotten about them and gone off , leaving all those trunks up there ?
2 But it should be equal for everyone and based purely on ability .
3 Robert picked up a wineglass from the low table that stood between them and scratched with a fingernail at the dry stain on the bottom of the glass .
4 Hoping against all hope that Claire had n't snapped the last link between them and gone to look for that bastard …
5 He made my guitar riffs up for me and used to present the rest of us with tapes , ’ says Solowka .
6 Initially , older people were removed from the community supports which traditionally looked after them and subjected to the rigours of a ‘ work or starve ’ philosophy .
7 An old man shuttled after her and hooked a horticultural implement of a hand around her arm .
8 ‘ We drove in after him and stopped about six or seven spaces away .
9 The war inside himself was a small conflagration compared with the bombardments he saw for himself and read about daily .
10 ‘ Definitely , people have been respectful towards me and given me some free time .
11 He came towards me and stopped about 10 to 15 yards away , put his hand inside his bomber jacket and brought out a monster hand-held cannon which he pointed in my direction .
12 I wheeled left towards them and called ‘ Tiger ’ on the R/T to take the outside man on their port flank while I took the leader .
13 He went past me and bent over the dead man .
14 They walked on either side of me and talked to each other , jabbering utter nonsense as though it was all so important , and I , with more brains than the two of them put together and information of the most vital nature , could n't get a word out .
15 He noticed that he was almost out of them and fumbled in his jacket pocket for some change to feed into the cigarette machine .
16 Rocks are grouped together and then crushed paper is put on top of them and painted , to form the grotto .
17 She had spoken affectionately of them and shown Lou a postcard from Italy where they were spending a holiday .
18 They wanted them all back when I agreed to sell — at their price — but I said I 'd spilt coffee on some of them and thrown them away .
19 ‘ And a gardener-handyman , ’ said Charlotte , her eyes following the vigorous heave and surge of the mole-brown water as it tore down past them and ripped at the curve of the bank , lipping half across the trodden right of way .
20 The central image is of a man in full control of himself and determined to enjoy the experience .
21 Then Gascoigne , hitherto a pale shadow of himself and stifled by the physical attention of man-marker Walter Bonacina , made his heroic contribution and doused those particular flames .
22 He was trying to convince him of something and kept at it .
23 It was quite another to feel she had made a complete fool of herself and taken her daughter alone so far from the safety of Four Winds .
24 He drew her towards him and planted an affectionate kiss on her forehead .
25 The Labrador , a much easier-going animal , edged its way towards her and sprawled at her side , wistfully eyeing her food but much too well mannered to help himself .
26 She saw his head coming down towards her and prepared to accept his kiss .
27 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
28 Ace , holstering her gun , brushed past her and loped towards the doorway .
29 He must have followed her upstairs , for when she knocked at Meredith 's door the man pushed past her and hammered with his fist on the door , crying , ‘ It 's the pot-man from Dore 's Lodge , Mr Meredith .
30 Maggie let go of her and called up the stairs .
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