Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] be [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moonlight was silvering the countryside as they rode slowly along , draining it of colour , and all about them were rustlings and scurryings and the impression of tiny pattering feet and the beating of small , unseen wings .
2 She knows all about me being bonkers and everything and does n't seem to mind .
3 Between them are gaps about a foot wide and six inches deep .
4 Carl Shirley , son of James and Gladys who between them were licensees at the hotel from 1933–53 , died on February 23 .
5 Baldersdale is an empty place now and all that remains for me are memories , sweet memories .
6 Thoughts about how the spectacles would appear to me if I moved towards them leftwards must be related in the correct way to thoughts about how they would look if I moved above them to the right ; thoughts about their being artefacts must be related to thoughts about their not existing before a certain time or not coming into existence in the kitchen as the kettle boils .
7 Why else would he read so much into her innocent conversation with a stranger , or casually lie about their being lovers to the hotel receptionist ?
8 The crucial step on which catallaxy depends is the use of barter or exchange , the major condition necessary for which is laws relating to property .
9 The coloured lads , most of whom are Muslims of Pakistani origin , are accepted as part of the local scene .
10 The real world of the young child is peopled by women , the most important and influential of whom are mothers , grandmothers and teachers .
11 Either their owners travel abroad or , increasingly , they can buy from Bucharest wholesalers ( many of whom are Arabs ) .
12 — The most prestigious of associations of independent schools , and also the largest , including around two hundred schools , with some 153,000 pupils in total , 83% of whom are boys ( many of the HMC schools admit girls only in the sixth form ) .
13 KIDLINK is facilitated by professionals working in education at all levels , most of whom are specialists in information technology .
14 I find it stimulating to air ideas with a variety of people , many of whom are experts in their field . ’
15 Having recognized that , we must avoid the danger of maintaining paraprofessionals ( most of whom are women and many of whom are members of disadvantaged minority groups ) in marginal positions in society by locking them into low-status and low-paying jobs .
16 At Shell Chemicals UK ( which employs 920 workers , 122 of whom are women ) over the past three years women have accounted for 42 per cent of the intake into chemical marketing and 25 per cent of the manufacturing intake .
17 This is a major but long overdue reform which will benefit around four million low-paid people , 80 per cent of whom are women .
18 There is , however , evidence that they can benefit patients ' social and psychological problems , but that these benefits are confined to women and people with problems in their relationships with their partners ( most of whom are women ) .
19 With the development of community mental health teams , community psychiatric nurses ( CPNs ) are more likely to meet people with bulimia , most of whom are women .
20 Throughout the summer , with many visiting painters , many of whom are women trying to adjust the balance between home ties and their own creativity , Jacqueline is often asked to explain how the various threads of her life are woven together .
21 It comprises 700 parishes in the French-speaking part of Cameroon , with over a million members , two-thirds of whom are women .
22 There are in the parables in Mark 's gospel 18 main characters , all of whom are men ; in Matthew 's 85 , 12 of whom are women , but this includes 10 bridesmaids ; in Luke 's 108 , of whom 9 are women .
23 Moreover , part-time workers , the majority of whom are women , are doubly disadvantaged .
24 Lone parents , 91 per cent of whom are women , have fewer resources than other families , and the lack of a partner with whom one can share child-rearing responsibilities leaves little time and energy for other forms of care .
25 Lone parents , 91 per cent of whom are women , are among the poorest members of the population .
26 It 's like that for many people , a large number of whom are women .
27 I know that the Labour party is likely to conduct a vendetta against part-time workers , many of whom are women , although when women are asked what they think about part-time work , they reply that they very much appreciate it .
28 By refusing to agree to the social chapter , is not he wanting to exclude British people from the provisions for equal status for 6 million part-time employees , many of whom are women ; for fair and equal treatment for women at work ; for proper protection for young people at work ; for rights to minimum holiday leave ; and for better information for employees ?
29 They provide over two point five million , three quarters of whom are women with protection , industries such as clothing and textiles , shops , hairdressers , and leisure services are all protected by the Councils .
30 Organised by Alexandra Noble , with Yve Lomax as co-curator , the exhibition involves photographic and video-based installations by eight artists from Europe and North America , five of whom are women .
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