Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [v-ing] be " in BNC.

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1 Children do n't have as many inhibitions and for them acting is an innate ability .
2 For them driving is a relaxing hobby and its all about having fun … except that is when the judge is watching …
3 Yet three years earlier , at the important siege of nearby Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte , the French had used thirty-two cannons , gunstones for them having been conveyed there in carts and by packhorse .
4 The major reason for me going was simply that what I want to do musically , there is just not scope for in The Smiths .
5 Until recently , there was an unwritten rule in some universities that a PhD candidate would get their doctorate only after their having been published in international scientific journals .
6 However , it 's all extremely well played , the Waltz is light as air , and the Elegy all the more moving for its having been relieved of any hint of bogus pathos .
7 This , of course , should come as no surprise ; the high standards achieved by women in the arts are now well documented by feminist historians , as are the reasons for their having been ‘ hidden from history ’ .
8 If its august it must be Fairport … for these fifty Americans … some of whom having been coming for ten years … their annual pilgrimage to Oxfordshire for the Fairport Convention festival starts with a meeting with the folk rock band in a local pub .
9 There was a minimum of 22 active groups in the County at the end of our fieldwork , most of them having been established during the lifetime of the CMHTs .
10 The promotion prospects of the geologists were almost non-existent , some of them having been Temporary Acting Geologists for over 20 years with no pension rights .
11 Mrs. Mirjam Foot of the British Library ( and currently Editor of the British Library Journal ) who kindly looked into the problem for me , pointed out that while there were some stationers whose initials and dates fitted , such as Richard Baldwyn , who worked in London till 1590 , there is no evidence of any one of them having been a bookbinder .
12 Nor , for that matter , are they all able to make first-hand experiments with teaching style , some of them having been promoted out of contact with the pupils .
13 Despite a review in 1989 , by the end of 1991 half of all senior registrars were accredited , one third of them having been in the grade for over six years .
14 One of the bestselling lines this year has been juggling balls , hundreds of them having been purchased .
15 On Aug. 17 a gunman killed two off-duty civil guards in the Basque town of Oyarzun , bringing to 622 the total of apparent ETA victims in 1992 , 18 of them having been killed in the period January to March .
16 The validity of decisions taken by the partners may depend upon all of them having at least received notice of a partners ' meeting or upon one or more of them having been duly informed of action to be taken against them by their co-partners .
17 Cocaine thus became another of the subjects which Ellen and I decorously avoided , like the existence of God , the wisdom of my having been a marine , feminism and the cartoons in the New Yorker .
18 By the same token the cinema industry in America , which has dominated the twentieth century and contributed more than any other force to the primacy of the visual image , does also create new audiences for books which are sold as ‘ the book of the film ’ despite their having been in print as classics for many years .
19 Brian Jenkins 's Out of Depth — in which photographs of himself swimming are located within frame-like tanks of water — is a thought-provoking exploration of limitation and freedom .
20 The South Africans were made to feel at home from the moment they entered Jamaica and they were clearly bewildered by the irony of their having been applauded out on to Sabina Park while Richie Richardson , the West Indies captain , was booed throughout the game .
21 This teaching is based upon the dignity proper to all individuals by virtue of their having been created by God and redeemed by Jesus Christ .
22 There are many reports of their having been seen with binoculars , but I have never had any success .
23 This may be the fact of their having been enacted by a specific body , or their long customary practice , or their relation to judicial decisions .
24 There have been cases reported of gonorrhoea being passed on within four or five hours of its having been acquired , so , unlike the case with syphilis , there is no ‘ safe ’ period between catching and giving the infection .
25 Samuel Sharp writing in 1847 says : ‘ There is evidence … of its having been a Roman settlement in the time of Agricola , and that his legions established here a permanent encampment , the remains of which are clearly traceable even to the present day . ’
26 One could say that the sentence ‘ It was the knave of hearts who stole the tarts ’ puts the state of affairs of its having been the knave of hearts who stole the tarts upon the mat for discussion .
27 When Parliament in 1733 passed the Molasses Act which tried to help planters in the British West Indies by imposing prohibitive duties on New England 's imports of sugar , rum , and molasses from non-British colonies , the Act was not properly enforced and Americans came to speak of its having been ‘ nullified ’ .
28 The judges know nothing about any will of the people except in so far as that will is expressed by an Act of Parliament , and would never suffer the validity of a statute to be questioned on the ground of its having been passed or kept alive in opposition to the wishes of the electors . ’
29 In the delicate balance between trust and accountability , an Area Secretary should be confident that her/his report will always be acknowledged on the basis of its having been given serious attention .
30 Some affirmative uses give a slightly different impression from that of being able to assert the occurrence of an event because of its having been perceived — a suggestion that there is a difference between what perception would lead one to think and the way things really are : ( 85 ) Once again the direction in which something is seen to move might depend upon the ratios of firing in cells sensitive to movement in different directions , and after prolonged movement in one direction a stationary image would produce less firing in the cell which had just been stimulated more than normally , hence apparent movement in the opposite direction would be seen to occur .
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