Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In June Hubert Ingraham , another former minister who had been dismissed in 1984 [ ibid. ] , was elected leader of the opposition Free National Movement ( FNM ) after the death on May 9 , 1990 , of its former leader Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield [ for whom see also p. 35373 ] .
2 about me do n't you when I 'm not there , yeah ?
3 DECADES make convenient units of time for historians , sociologists and pundits of every stripe , but the people who live and work through them do n't share the same enthusiasm for tying everything into bundles or stopping precisely at midnight on December 31 .
4 Now , a number of years later , I have seen some of God 's plans for them come about and realize how much he has cared for them and kept them safe .
5 he said what 's next for them go faster stripes
6 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up better adjusted , with greater self-esteem , than those who are allowed to get away with behaving any way they like .
7 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up with more self-esteem and confidence than those who are allowed to get away with behaving in any way they like .
8 Cos you can only use them up to about four I would think cos other , other than that they get a bit too big for them do n't they ? he could do with a little slide in the garden
9 And as you will see from the County Council evidence , the er sites for them have actually been agreed during the Greater York study .
10 The shares added 3p to 171p after a 47% hike in the half-time divi to 0.5p — especially good news for the Cohen family , who between them hold more than 60% of the shares .
11 For the next six weeks America , Japan and Germany will between them sell more than 2m barrels a day .
12 That David 's strange behaviour had something to do with Jennifer she had little doubt , so whatever would a meeting between them bring forth ?
13 Yet while she had no intention of surrendering her home it would be foolish to let the atmosphere between them become too acrimonious .
14 The three offences seem to provide a ‘ ladder ’ but , once again , the distinctions between them vary considerably , with section 23 being more concerned about the result than about D's fault .
15 The University as a whole contains well over fifty teachers of history , who between them provide nearly ninety courses — thereby offering students a breadth of choice equalled by only three other British universities .
16 The pronounced physical differences between them result only from the contrasted ways in which they are erupted .
17 The brewing industry currently consists of over 80 firms which between them own over 140 breweries .
18 All my subsequent attempts to find a mutually convenient time to meet have failed — mostly , I have to confess , because my term-time commitments in Oxford made it difficult for me get up to London except at hours when you were in Cabinet , or in the House .
19 Okay right do a little dance for me go on .
20 Oh God tha , they always leave that for me start off !
21 Large white daisies for me conjure up thoughts of warm summer meadows , the scent of freshly cut hay and the buzzing of busy insects .
22 ‘ If you found someone such as I have just described it would let you off the hook . ’
23 An analogy such as I have just drawn in this three act drama of salvation can be dangerously misleading .
24 After the reception , we all went in to the ballroom for a five-course Scottish dinner such as I have not seen for years !
25 There was a fluency and an edification and upbuilding such as I have seldom seen .
26 A feeling , wrote Harsnet , such as I have never experienced before , not so much of wishing I had never been born , as never been born as me .
27 At that moment , and perhaps for an hour afterwards , I was on Cloud Nine — in a state of happiness , contentment , euphoria , joy and utter peace such as I have never experienced before or since : everything is all right , an inner voice said , and everything from now on will always be all right ; how wonderful to know that life can be like this .
28 The Centre provided a traditional Northwest salmon buffet , an experience such as I have never before encountered .
29 If you want a growth-type investment , such as I do n't know , Far Eastern fund , or something like that , or a , or even a European Special Situations , you n you , you might as well not use the P E P because they wh you get about one percent on er a growth P E P .
30 The number of people that I hear saying things such as I do n't remember stepping over people in the street five years ago and it 's true , in this city I do n't actually remember doing that , not with the frequency with which it happens today and your government and your party has no record to shout about , absolutely none .
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