Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Can I just point out that something here , erm , was , I think I mentioned about my children it was the height of the table and its just so little that , that they indicate their in height in this picture , but it is there and , erm , that , I found that really very exciting and as I say the , The Threes , it , the three goblets , the three apples the three puppies , so often I 've , I 've found that there is three sets of , three objects and in
2 During my travels I have come across many keen , enthusiastic members .
3 From the moment you take the big glass off my hands you will have the sole responsibility for it .
4 Through my studies I have come to understand that the way humans view animals like primates in a negative light is wrong .
5 All through my teens it had to be a very rainy Sunday indeed that did not find us perched on the Cow and Calf a crop of murderous rocks resembling neither cows , calves nor any other animal , ' or out at Bolton Abbey , negotiating the stepping-stones across the wide but shallow Wharfe ; or eating our sandwiches on Haworth Moor as we looked down on the Brontes ' parsonage and re-enacted the highlights from Wuthering Heights in our romantic young heads .
6 A little later we saw another cow and then through my glasses I picked up a bull lying down in the distance .
7 As zero hour was reached , and punctually to the very minute our barrage lifted , through my glasses I could clearly observe our skirmishers leave their trenches and move steadily forward ; here and there I could even distinguish the smoke puffs of bursting bombs .
8 Through my binoculars I could see the white wing bars and the slightly bizarre face pattern : two small blobs of white — like false eyes — on his forehead .
9 I deal with children all the time erm many of my I 've been there eight years now and so lots of children have passed through my hands who in particular have lots of educational problems and need special help , and I suppose somebody though erm that although the rage now is to have Governors who are working in industry , and that 's perfectly proper , that it would n't be a bad idea to have somebody who is supposed to have some knowledge and background of the way children behave and what children need , so erm although I do have some politics , you know , Bill , I erm largely keep them quiet in the governing body .
10 you see , until my next birthday , that is , you see , but I , well each year , you see , I always say well to my friends I am so thankful for my friends who drop in and each year I say , well I do n't suppose I will be here much longer but I shall be here , I hope , while I can walk
11 Unfortunately , such abundance proved too much for my companions who discovered a white Mercurey ‘ 88 which they insisted would be an experience well worth the £22 price tag .
12 The worse thing I 've ever done is wax for my legs I did it once mhm
13 like most of these these have , erm what I want to know is er why , when I was disposed of as you like as a useless article , why I am suddenly called upon by this government to be one hundred per cent , not fifty per cent responsible , but one hundred per cent responsible , not only for my children which I 'm quite happy to do , but one hundred per cent responsible to keep my wife off of benefit and one hundred per cent responsible if she should ever want one , t for her partner .
14 Not only am I forced to share bed and board with a woman for whom I feel nothing but disgust , but for my pains I have been branded a disreputable opportunist by all and sundry .
15 Now God loves the world , he sent Jesus to die for the world , Jesus came , he lived a sinless life , he gave his life on the cross of Calvary , he died there for my sins they were put on him , the whole story of salvation but , salvation in it 's totality is God 's gift , I do not have to merit it .
16 If you do n't look after their feet it you , which is very important indeed you , see .
17 Most people like to try and look after their horses themselves , often with some help from the livery yard owner or a friend who has different commitments .
18 Yeah I think daddy 's just erm making sure we have n't got such sticky fingers after our oranges I think .
19 Molly 's mother , Lady Braithwaite , kept her eye on us all , I took over as Secretary/General Dogsbody , and Hila Hyam looked after our funds which ( I am sure she wo n't mind me telling ) she kept hidden in an old teapot !
20 There were cows among the tall grasses — cows with solemn bells about their necks which donged as they moved .
21 For the next 4 ½ hours the men held us hostage , told us about their comrades who had already fallen in battle , and threatened to kill us .
22 Though not in favour of DJs wittering on about their birthdays he does n't he was no doubt grateful for these .
23 I think when the army went in that the army because there was no political direction from Westminster , we 've seen the seats in the House of Commons , I mean nobody 's there when Sir Patrick 's talking about Northern Ireland , which I think is absolutely disgraceful , when they 're talking about their salaries they 're there .
24 I I think you were all here listening to the erm pensioners before you were they were talking about their ideas which were also our ideas in our er report on the designated ownership of , of the pension funds and in particular they had a couple of ideas which you may have heard about having the word pension in the in the names , just technical points , er pension in the names of er of the funds and and people who were er giving advice on behalf of them .
25 There is a whole slew of heavyweight biographies on the shelves , too , each of which has divulged sex secrets about their subjects which have subsequently made the front pages .
26 Transport of trees presented no problem : packed in chests with moss about their roots they could be kept out of ground two or three months , provided it was a dormant season .
27 He called for an Arab order " far removed from the stains of oil , consumerism and tyranny " and attacked " those Arabs " who were " motivated by tribal affiliation and arrogance " and who had " flooded the nation with their oil and bragged about their seats which were restored at the hands of the foreigner and with its lances stained with the blood of their brothers " .
28 However , if males differ in their quality , it could pay females to be choosy about which males they will mate with .
29 He is a populist who is unfussy about which grievances he exploits to get attention .
30 Most of the people in some way or other , have been looked after by somebody else and that 's the experience which I I 've certainly gone through and if in fact you start making up your mind too early about which homes you 're going
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