Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We need to think that why new babies are so prone to cold injury and a lot of the reasons , can I take that down , are very obvious if you think about them cold injury is the same as hypothermia .
2 I mean you can still get a reference off me old company which er you know the London
3 ‘ New bugs are wets and weeds their mummies blub when they kiss them goodbye while seniors such as me hem-hem stand grimly by licking their slobering chops .
4 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
5 The authors of the paper do not suggest ignoring the age of the patient , quite the reverse : ‘ criteria appropriate for younger patients may not be suitable in the elderly , for whom effective stabilisation of disease , a partial remission , or a complete remission of short duration may be sufficient to achieve worthwhile prolongation of life with an acceptable quality of life . ’
6 it would follow from these findings that the children currently being referred to clinics for anti-social behaviour are the group for whom successful intervention is the more urgently needed , to prevent personal misery for them as adults , for their spouses and children , and for the persons whom they will rob or swindle .
7 Lawyers for whom ducal service constituted a major part of their career were more likely to have been drawn from outside the duke 's regional orbit .
8 Lawyers for whom ducal service constituted a major part of their career were more likely to have been drawn from outside the duke 's regional orbit .
9 After our first Report the tabloid journalists enjoyed themselves by writing provocative articles about how I was the professor for whom correct English did not matter .
10 What will be the likely effects of such judgements on someone for whom practising meditation has become an important part of life , perhaps helping them to cope with difficulties and gain a sense of freedom and peace ?
11 Mounted bird wings , stuffed mammals , galls , acorns , nests , seed heads , fungi , grasses — all sorts of natural objects were on view , or ‘ on feel ’ , for folk who ca n't see , but for whom tactile experience of different shapes and textures is a small compensation .
12 Of the 1111 women for whom vaginal delivery was planned , 467 ( 42% ) had an emergency caesarean section .
13 Finally , unless selective assessments are properly evaluated there is no guarantee that they are correctly selecting those for whom existing provision is intended .
14 In addition , we also announced a general SVQ at level I and awards to facilitate access to the SVQ/general SVQ frameworks for those for whom mainstream training is not appropriate , including those with special needs .
15 During the consultation process , we discovered considerable support for a general SVQ at level I. There is also a clear demand for awards at a preliminary level which will open up the SVQ and general SVQ frameworks to those for whom mainstream training is not appropriate , including those with special needs .
16 ‘ If the Certificate of Primary Education tested material which was firmly within the grasp of primary school teachers : if it tested the ability to re–son and understand relationships of cause and effect ; and , if , above all , it tested relevant and practical knowledge , it would be at the same time both a more efficient and equitable instrument for selecting secondary school entrants and also a more useful preparation for those for whom primary education is terminal .
17 new sectoral relations of exploitation ( in which a relatively large number of people exploit an increasingly marginalized minority for whom collective provision remains the only and strictly second best , option ) .
18 The first two groups are those for whom preventive intervention may turn out to be justified .
19 By the late thirteenth century , those for whom landed income was the chief source of revenue faced an uncertain future .
20 was recognising that there are classes of sureties for whom special protection should be given , that the case fell within the class , but that , on the facts , the creditor had done enough to prevent any equitable intervention in aid of the surety .
21 Meanwhile , the relatively few persons for whom special knowledge and training are reserved are freed so far as possible from the obligations of simple labour ’ ( Braverman , 1974 , pp. 82–3 ) .
22 Her conclusion was that 20.6 of the children were of high intelligence for whom special provision should be made in central or secondary schools .
23 Under Section 11 of the 1966 Local Government Act , local authorities can apply to the Home Office for 75% of the costs of employing extra staff for educational ( and other ) purposes in areas with large numbers of Commonwealth immigrants for whom special provision is required because of differences in languages or customs .
24 Thus she ties together of the reduction of class inequality and the reduction of segregation of those children for whom special education is assumed to cater .
25 A Corporate Finance Engagement Letter should be obtained from every client for whom corporate finance activities are to be undertaken prior to the first engagement .
26 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
27 Is it the fault of an overburdened teaching force , for whom full time class teaching is the norm ?
28 Another factor was the legendary cautiousness of Franco , for whom slow progress and sure gains were always to be preferred to unnecessary risks .
29 It will often be appreciated by a client for whom sexual difficulty exists but who is uncertain how to raise the matter personally .
30 It also resembles the strategy of the early modern female cross-dresser for whom sexual difference was not derived from natural and divine law , but produced by ‘ custom ’ , that is , culture .
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