Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Besides this he needs to seek the help of the Holy Spirit , through whom Scripture was written , to illuminate its meaning .
2 For everyone energy is limited , a precious commodity .
3 Initially it appears as an act of balance , with vigorous debate between those who think that censorship is never worth it , and those for whom pornography is so dangerous that censorship is not too high a price at all .
4 Nevertheless the proportion for whom payment was thought to have been something of a problem was 7 per cent of all those in old people 's homes ( 15 per cent for private ones , 6 per cent for others ) and 17 per cent of those in nursing homes — further differences which did not reach statistical significance .
5 The debates side-stepped into discussions of desire in some areas , maintaining some political divisions between women and creating new ones , while the strongest artworks which imaged women 's bodies came from those for whom visibility was still a fundamental issue , particularly black women .
6 They had a generally depressive effect on domestic rice prices , and threatened to undermine the prosperity of the majority of domestic farmers for whom rice was still a staple crop .
7 To those for whom law is a simple command , legal by virtue of the source from which it comes , it is not likely that such complexities as these will be popular .
8 The thinking of politicians for whom education is only important if it helps boost the national economy , and this is important because it helps people enjoy what they want , and this is important because it encourages consumption and thus industry , either goes round in a vicious circle or takes off on an interminable regress .
9 A two dimensional structure was proposed that analysed programmes according to : ( 1 ) the groups for whom education is provided ; and ( 2 ) different factors affecting changes in resource allocation .
10 There is , however , no need to look for metaphors in the struggles of labouring women , including Mary Leapor , for whom education was a barely attainable luxury .
11 He saw it as a struggle between the desires of the bourgeoisie , for whom sports were ‘ mere entertainment ’ and for whom play was merely a recuperative process following the real work of labour , and , the desires of the common people for whom games were ‘ an alternative life-activity in their own right ’ .
12 . We are clear that it should not be used as a punishment or as a deterrent , and we think that there should always be an alternative task available for men for whom stone-breaking is unsuitable . ’
13 Other Lancashire businessmen watching his progress had come to respect him as a red-hot entrepreneur and ruthless opponent in business dealings , for whom profit was the consideration that overrode every other .
14 He was a man for whom Catholicity was reduced to its Evangelical essentials — the love of God , a burning desire that people should know and love his Saviour , and a great belief in the power of prayer .
15 Far from being a luxury or a peripheral activity , music often meets basic needs : ‘ There exist a good many people for whom music is so important that it is difficult for them to conceive of life without it .
16 But at Sevenoaks , he taught other well-known personalities for whom music was to become less important , including actor Daniel Day Lewis and former Test cricketers Paul Downton and Chris Tavaré , who now captains Somerset .
17 For too long , over-indulgent teachers have churned out children for whom reading is a challenge and writing a mystery .
18 What I do know is that there are thousands and thousands of people out there for whom life is intolerable , roughly ten a day actually succeed in killing themselves , how many more have a go we do n't know .
19 ‘ Someone like him , someone with everything , someone for whom life was so sweet , so flawless , how could he die ?
20 In part , at least , this is due to the fact that there is a substantial lobby amongst Labour Members of Parliament for whom abolition is the only acceptable reform .
21 To those for whom gas was out of the question , and candles or lamps were expensive luxuries , firelight was often the single source of light as well as heat , as George Eliot notes in Adam Bede : ‘ It was a pretty scene in the red fire-light : for there were no candles ; why should there be , when the fire was so bright , and was reflected from all the pewter and the polished oak ? ’
22 His amendment was that the Code was intended to apply to people under detention ‘ or people for whom detention is becoming , as it were , imminent . ’
23 There was no possible way of reconciling such a view with that of peasants or landlords , for whom land was not merely a source of maximisable income but the framework of life ; with that of social systems , for which the relations of men to the land and to each other in terms of the land were not , as it were , optional , but obligatory .
24 Or is it all an illusion , a phantasm derived from mere figures , a figment of journalistic imagination , an evanescent creature of dream and the wishful thinking of those for whom history is proceeding too slowly , and who would prefer to see an era change during their lifetimes rather than to live within the dulling envelope of merely one ?
25 Finally , preliminary results from the evaluation of severely constipated patients for whom surgery is being considered suggest a possible diagnostic role for prolonged colonic recordings , especially when coupled with pharmacologic stimulation .
26 Those parties for whom work is to be done or who themselves are doing work for engineers must be aware of the inherent uncertainties involved in the project and negotiate a sensible and commercially prudent apportionment of liability .
27 The Conservative local associations are turning increasingly to young men of professional or business backgrounds for whom Parliament is a career .
28 But there are erm others who , for whom teaching is the major aspect and the major important role that they perceive for themselves erm but there is always a balance and on balance , taken over the whole system , I should think that most people spend fifty or sixty per cent of their time on research .
29 Ethnic minority groups for whom English is not their first language may find this very useful .
30 In this respect , there is a very special value to be found in drama activity for pupils for whom English is a second language .
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