Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [noun pl] their " in BNC.

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1 When the British started to go out of Britain and go abroad for their holidays their eyes were opened .
2 The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness novel at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries was obviously related to a huge epistemological shift in culture at large , from locating reality in the objective world of actions and things as perceived by common sense , to locating it in the minds of individual thinking subjects , each of whom constructs their own reality , and has difficulty in matching it with the reality constructed by others .
3 For a time , like Dona and the Frenchman , Vronsky and Anna were very happy together in love ; but because of their circumstances their relations became more strained .
4 Oh I had a huge list of names really you know of erm you know we had quite big meetings where people seem to have come out of their parties their sort of sectarianism really you know which er the left is notorious for if you like if you want to use cliches .
5 Quite apart from their aesthetic values as part of the overall design of your documents their primary function is as a conveyer of information .
6 These children were permitted to wash and dress , and even to take with them pendants their father gave them .
7 with their smiles their resemblances
8 German housewives are so fed up with their lives their 4,000-strong union is going on strike .
9 The scene has two dolphins falling , left and right , from a central cantharus ( with whose handles their tails are entwined ) .
10 They introduce into our austerities their Italianate blandishments .
11 IT 'S Father 's Week in your Echo and every day we will be talking to famous sons and daughters about the favourite man in their lives their dad .
12 IT 'S DAD 'S WEEK in the Echo and every day we 'll be talking to famous sons and daughters about the favourite man in their lives their dad .
13 IT 'S Dad 's Week in the Echo and everyday we are talking to sons and daughters about the favourite man in their lives their dad .
14 In their dreams their brains took each other hostage
15 In his eyes their saving grace was something he could only define as ‘ that truly human feeling ’ .
16 The main need is to determine in what ways their own individual needs for information can be satisfied by online services and which are the most suitable .
17 It was a musical farce with a classic swap of identity plot with people confessing to their partners their infidelities in the mistaken belief they were confiding in someone else , a daft Midsummer Musical comedy with Gerry Mulgrew as a manic , fast-talking Marlowesque ( Philip Marlowesque I mean ) magical dog who had Puckish powers to cause confusion in his neck of the woods — a hideous fictional Glasgow ghetto housing scheme called Low Cassil .
18 The point of the game is that without being conscious of it , the pupils inevitably apply to their guesses their knowledge of the structure of English spelling .
19 When the men of Market Harborough died they were carried back to Great Bowden for burial , back to the country village on whose fields their town had sprung up .
20 At their graves their families would unite with their beloved over a memorial meal and a drink , easing their grief in recreating the family intimacy , only transiently ruptured .
21 At his feet their five-year-old , Wu , was waging a ferocious battle between two armies of miniature dragons , their tiny power packs making them seem almost alive .
22 When station redcaps were self-employed , there were many of them , but when the federal authorities insisted that they should be employed by their companies their numbers rapidly dwindled .
23 If by our standards their lot was a hard one , what they suffered inside was nothing to what they would have had to endure outside from a still brutalised populace .
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