Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Arthur Rackham 's Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens in the limited signed edition could be bought in 1960 for around £40-£50 and the Peter Pan Portfolio for about the same amount .
2 Negotiations for a concordat had been going on between Spain and the Vatican for about the same length of time as those between Spain and the United States .
3 Mm and old Bob down the road , Bob , he has n't been in for about the same sort of time this 'll be his fourth week wo n't it ?
4 The treating , perhaps fortunately , cut his visit short for after a few nights of festivities he was stony broke .
5 ‘ He 's asked me to dine at the villa he 's looking after for a few months , just to oblige a couple of ex-pats .
6 Mrs Burke leaves a remarkable house which deserves to be looked after with the same care that she has lavished on it for almost 20 years .
7 With new technology making our lives easier by the day , it 's good to know that the environment is being looked after at the same time .
8 The man paid the gaveller about a shilling a day : if she had a young child to look after at the same time she would have to manage as best she could .
9 Usual anti-climax — old birds standing round a bit o' grass at t'back they 'd got lease of for a few hours , wi' a garden label saying Mrs Edna Morrison and a few bunches of chrysanths put in rows .
10 The Division increased profits by 34 per cent from £28.7m to £38.6m , thanks to the inclusion of for the half year from June to December .
11 What I think of as a few steps along the beach in the Isle of Wight suffices to pass the Middle Oligocene , but I find this amounts to untold thousands of feet of sediment in New Guinea .
12 The wood mouse ( or long-tailed field mouse ) apodemus sylvaticus is around three inches long with a tail of about the same length .
13 There is a boy of about the same age in Kanal , Andrzej Wajda 's epic film of the Warsaw uprising .
14 The house next to Mrs. Sutton 's was of about the same age but as the pavement was almost a foot higher than the floor of the front room , it had two steps down inside the door .
15 The kitchen was an extremely warm and comfortable room of about the same size .
16 Secondly , some of the faunas have not yet been dated accurately , and we must allow a tolerance of +-l — 5 million years for each one that is known , although we can work on the assumption that two faunas that have several animals in common are of about the same antiquity .
17 Such a ‘ note ’ would have a frequency of about 400 GHz and a corresponding wavelength of 0.7 mm , that is to say it is a microwave of about the same order of size as the ones used in microwave ovens Now the law relating to microwave transmission is very strict , and microwave ovens are suitably shielded to prevent the unwanted escape of potentially lethal radiation .
18 She went around with a group of friends of about the same age , and one evening they were messing around at a friend 's house when his parents were out .
19 Near Speeton , the upper part of the Speeton Clay was found to contain thin seams of volcanic ash that , in rocks of about the same age in southern England , have been concentrated into commercially attractive occurrences of fuller 's earth .
20 Chi Octantis ( 5.2 ) will be on the far side of the field ; centre it , and then you will see two more stars of about the same brightness , Sigma and Tau .
21 A thousand miles northeast of the Grand Canyon , ancient rocks of about the same age as those beside the Colorado River outcrop on the shores of Lake Superior .
22 ( ii ) Tyndall blue , though uncommon , occurs in some Odonata and is due to the scattering of the shorter wavelengths by particles with dimensions of about the same size as the wavelengths of light .
23 The last is of interest to parents who wish to know where their child stands in relation to others of about the same age and also , at various levels of aggregation , to teachers , heads , LEAs , the Government and the wider community .
24 One instance where this can arise is if there are two males of the same , or closely-related , species and they are of about the same size .
25 This means that the particles that fall into one black hole will come out of another hole of about the same mass .
26 The chicks are placed on a surface scattered with a mix of food grains and pebbles of about the same size and colour of the food .
27 Diametrically opposite from the impact centre of the Caloris basin lies an area of lumpy terrain , consisting of hillocks about 2 km tall and hollows of about the same depth .
28 Under Chambers 's auspices I 've prepared a questionnaire on ( intermediate ) learners ' dictionaries , along with a piece of sample text and a batch of parallel extracts from four other publishers ' dictionaries of about the same level , and I 'd be ever so grateful if I could send you about 10 of these sets to distribute amongst fellow teachers and some of the students , as you think fit ; and of course I 'd be pleased if you 'd answer one yourself .
29 Other similar deposits of about the same age are said to occur at Nusplingen ill the Swabian Jura , at Talbrager in New South Wales and in the central Congo .
30 Others of about the same age ( i.e. about 2000 million years B.P. ) are the Transvaal Basin in South Africa , the Hamersley Basin in Western Australia and the Dharwars Series of India .
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