Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] day and " in BNC.

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1 Admission was to be free but tickets were required for each day and demand was enormous from all over Britain and Ireland , from other European countries , and even from North America .
2 Although there are some irregularities , Smart seems to have had a fixed task allocated for each day and to have kept to it .
3 They determine the subjects for each day and the deployment of speakers .
4 Usually held in October , it lasted for eight days and met outside the North Gate near the sloe tree which gave it its name of Sloe Fair ; discipline and disputes were enforced by a ‘ pie-powder ’ ( dusty feet ) court which sorted out the inevitable problems .
5 No one had ever seen a bride or groom walk to their wedding ; even the very poor found a car for that day and in the old days they had gone by trap or sidecar .
6 The Trades Union Congress has organised a lobby of Parliament for that day and the Labour leader , John Smith , is almost certain to press the Prime Minister on it in the Commons .
7 They carried on in this fashion for another day and a half , travelling at night to conserve energy .
8 This 18th-century sweet preserve was traditionally made for high days and holidays .
9 A desert , Menzies thought , a wilderness where you might just manage to survive for forty days and forty nights , especially if there was an angel at hand to minister to you .
10 Caesium-137 for instance can stay in the body of a child for 30-50 days and in that of an adult for 70-100 days .
11 Once a lady aid a daughter , remote cousins or friends of friends , came , and the girl left me with a yearning heart for some days and a curiosity for years like my curiosity about the lost childish books .
12 Nietzsche wrote : " When I heard of the fires in Paris , I felt annihilated for some days and was overwhelmed by fears and doubts ; the whole academic ( wissenschaftlich ) , philosophical , artistic world seemed an absurdity , if a single day could wipe out the most glorious works of art , even whole periods of art ; I clung with earnest conviction to the metaphysical value of art , which can not exist for the sake of poor human beings , but has higher missions to fulfil . "
13 The weather had been fine for some days and the mood was right .
14 So Adam slipped out of Castell Coch at dusk , and himself carried the word to Owen in his camp in the woods overlooking Cegidfa ; and a beggar who had hung about the gates for some days and been fed from the kitchens went after him every step of the way .
15 And thank you for this day and make me grateful for what I 've got .
16 So we and that 's that really is er is too higher proportion for this day and age , particularly with all the publicity that 's being put out .
17 Plan for shorter days and lower temperatures , with the west wetter than the rest — but there 's always hope for an Indian Summer .
18 Mrs Megan Quaile , 79 , who tripped and fractured her hip , came home after eight days and is ‘ feeling fine ’ .
19 After 12 days and nights of fierce fighting , the Germans and Italians were finally routed , leaving 20,000 dead .
20 The bond can be exchanged after 45 days and until November 30 1993 , into 1.175 IBM Corp shares — the first time in recent history that IBM has made an acquisition for shares .
21 After 10 days and three predictable victories they were promoted , thanks to Woking dropping a point .
22 After 10 days and three predictable victories they were promoted , thanks to Woking dropping a point .
23 My father described to me how the Guides had arrived and gone straight into action after marching day and night from the Punjab ; how Nicholson had been killed leading the troops as they stormed the ramparts of Delhi .
24 I chickened out after three days and put the lights back on .
25 There 's a Danish proverb , you know , that states that fish and guests smell after three days and er we all know the visits which have begun so successfully from friends and relatives , it need n't be Christmas , it could be at any time of the year , which are often ruined by people lingering on well past their sell-by date .
26 Sutures are usually removed in the groin after 5 days and in the leg at 7 days .
27 After long days and nights alone I would wake in the mornings wondering if this new day would bring a new poem from you , a new smile as you ran dancing towards me on your boxer 's turned-in toes .
28 After more days and nights than he cared to remember , he was perched on a ledge , perhaps halfway up , unable to move up or down .
29 AFTER four days of sparring , Eric Vanderaerden unleashed his Sunday punch to knock out the fading hopes of Sean Kelly , and the whole of Ireland , in the Nissan Classic , which finished in Dublin yesterday after five days and 925km .
30 It comes with prostration , after several days and is most often found in patients of poor vitality , rather broken down weak constitutions who are subject to catarrhal illnesses ; most often needed in the elderly and in young infants .
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