Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With images of picket-line strife , the broadcast warned : ‘ The last thing we need now is for Labour to come in and wreck Britain 's recovery . ’
2 The building materials side is primarily issues held by the er , the private sector and issue of the waste by factories is something which is the subject of er new er regulations which are often advice which is expected shortly from the Department of Trade and Industry and and we are awaiting obviously for that to come out to see what should happen and therefore our advice to you is that we should contin continue to keep these issues under review through the waste er advisory matter the waste er Planning and Policy panel .
3 It took several months for that to come home and safe .
4 Our knowledge about this comes primarily from experimental investigations .
5 But now he feels ready for another come back .
6 An official I spoke to said there were no staff to take the train on and we had to leave and wait for another to come along . ’
7 In many ways the stimulus for this came not from the miners but from the wool and worsted textile workers who fought against further wage reductions in 1925 .
8 The evidence for this comes not from historians but , usually , from a lawyer , Underhill , or from the Liberal Party propagandists Joseph Kay , Brodrick , Osborne Morgan and Arthur Arnold , or their academic follower , the Cambridge Yorke Prize essayists Scrutton and de Villiers …
9 and perhaps after that come back
10 After that come more advanced techniques which students need to perform for the next grading .
11 The fact that we give each other little clues , invitations and propositions , gives a transparency to our motives , but it also builds excitement and suspense about the actual unveiling of each coming together .
12 But did any of that come out at the inquest ?
13 Any worries of that to come down
14 We 've news of that coming up … first the action from the weekend which brought a win for Swindon … a draw for Oxford and defeat for Hereford …
15 But security lighting is a different matter , as you 'll probably want a lot of light to come on when an intruder approaches .
16 There was always a sort of universal coming together when an emergency was averted , when a human life was saved .
17 In rural districts and in manufacturing towns charity schools could expect to make little progress against the competition of child employment and complaints of this came repeatedly from clothing and mining districts .
18 ‘ It is true none of this came out earlier .
19 All of this comes down to one simple phrase : working more efficiently so we can do more and do it better .
20 Our knowledge of this comes very largely from David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel , who worked together for twenty years at Harvard Medical School , recording from single neurons of the visual cortex — the part of the neocortex that receives its input mainly from the eyes .
21 I do n't think I 've got anything new on this so all of this comes out of B T 7 , and this is all to do with Stella 's original paper about who had responsibility for forms and so on .
22 None of this comes as much surprise to sausage supremo Bill O'Hagan .
23 Corroborative evidence of this comes sometimes from the spectral widths of the lines , and sometimes from observation of movement of the patches , revealed in sequences of photographs .
24 of 1826 coming in at a deserved third in the field .
25 We 've seen it on T V , and now it half past three Come on !
26 Steve Clifford , one of the Cobham leaders with whom some of these teams consult regularly , identifies various desirable features which facilitate growth , believing that in Tooting many of these came together whereas in the earlier attempts , one or more of these elements was missing .
27 Time is a great healer , and the long winter reduced my anger level so that when the first one-day international of 1992 came around , I was happy and full of optimistic expectation .
28 He would n't have enough sense of self-preservation to come in out of the rain .
29 Pale , cold , clammy , yes , this is the opposite , you 've got all the signs and symptoms here of a stroke , now if , this could go on with and erm if somebody , if something is n't done very quickly with this compression the person has still got this bleed , or clot in the head and eventually they just kind of all come up into the foetus position , literally all goes spastic , all these spastic movements right , you finished writing ?
30 ‘ The best scores from weekly magazines came from City Limits and New Stateman & Society ; the Literary Review scored well ; the TLS and London Review of Books were disappointing , and the worst scores of all came in from the Spectator and Time Out .
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