Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now we have to use the tools and techniques learned through TOP to make it happen .
2 Millns , who has signed a new five-year contract at Grace Road , was under scrutiny by England manager Micky Stewart during a victory over Essex before a foot injury struck him down , but he can not have done his claims much harm with 5 for 67 to make him — at that time — the country 's leading wicket-taker .
3 It was the longest afternoon that I had known and it was worse when I heard the sound of tea being prepared downstairs for this made me even more hungry .
4 Turning to the mirror , she saw herself in the long white silk dress , clinging to her slender body , curving off the shoulders , accentuating her fine collarbones , tight at the waist then flaring out with clouds of taffeta below that made it seem as if she floated rather than walked .
5 There are no special requirements in relation to the formation of a multi-national partnership — save that all the partners must be either solicitors or RFLs and there must be at least one of each to make it an MNP .
6 A greater distance from the events of 1680s made it easier for people to develop a nostalgic longing for the return of the exiled Stuarts as the solution to the nation 's ills .
7 Later , when lucidity returned to him , the recollection of that made him blush and cringe , but at the time he did not care .
8 … and it does mean that I think there is a pressure perhaps grows out of that to make you articulate clearly why you are putting the course together in the way you are … which previously you could have got away with .
9 And all of that makes it easier for those who are leading or in control to change the policies and get acceptance .
10 These were slow to develop , and the realisation of this made it difficult ( even had they wished to do so ) for Ministers to treat them like private sector companies , subject largely to control by fiscal and monetary policies rather than detailed intervention on capital spending .
11 All of this makes it very attractive for the application which Luck and Swanson have been working on — the construction of switched capacitor filter circuits .
12 The cut fell on 145 , one over par , and consequently 63 of the original field of 83 made it under what is known as the ‘ 10-stroke rule ’ — anyone who is within 10 shots of the leader , on the theoretical grounds that it is still possible to win from there .
13 Half of these make it to the training yards , and not all of them , by a long way , will ever make it to a race track .
14 We need one of these to make it stand up .
15 Still , three guides out of three made it to the col between the two summits , and two out of three to the summit itself , while only one client out of 15 was present .
16 So we set some of our comics the toughest challenge of all make us laugh about Maastricht .
17 Steve says he gets great satisfaction out of it and making one par in a round of 18 makes it worthwhile .
18 He chose a repayment style mortgage because : ‘ I did n't want any complicated insurance product governing my future — the stock market crash of 1987 made me suspicious of all those sort of schemes . ’
19 NICK FALDO stirred himself at last in the Masters at Augusta National yesterday when a third round of 68 made him five under par for the tournament before a storm caused a three-hour delay that had a disastrous effect on defending champion Ian Woosnam , who had been sharing the lead with Craig Parry .
20 His death at the age of twenty-four made him an instant legend .
21 His starting price of 11–8 made it clear he was strongly fancied by somebody with reliable information .
22 I 'll just stick in something about footy to make it slightly relevant :
23 ‘ Bastards like that make me sick , ’ he confided to Thiercelin .
24 A child 's breathless wailing calmed by the firm slap of the father 's hand , a dead ant revived by the careless press of a passing sole , a wounded finger healed and sealed by the knife 's blade : anything like that made me flinch and veer .
25 Things like that made them really cagey , hence I was always having to lob people out of the shop if they looked like they were examining the clothes too closely .
26 I hope you think feeling like that makes you a man . ’
27 We were playing with so much arrogance that it needed something like that to make us play .
28 Very high levels of compression like this make it possible to transmit image data over ordinary dial-up , digital telephone lines rather than expensive , special broadband lines .
29 Seeing her like this made her more human somehow .
30 Things like this made him feel his age .
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