Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] she [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For this she naturally needs as much information as possible , but is always happy to guide families through what is needed , or to undertake research .
2 A woman friend saw her driving out of town a few minutes later ; after that she just vanished into thin air .
3 It was her own fault for asking , and she paid the price , pain tearing at her heart as Damian bent his head and continued making love to her until she reached a bitter-sweet ecstasy in his arms , and after that she never mentioned love again .
4 After 1987 she publicly disagreed with policies of her Foreign Secretary and Chancellor .
5 For four and five she spells from the other end and for six she again spells the letters .
6 Because of this she rarely enjoys anything in depth or sticks at anything for very long .
7 Because of this she never had any time for her own parents : my mother could n't think it was right that they 'd parted with two of their children . ’
8 first of all she just ripped at it and slung it around , although after a couple of days she was tearing off dainty morsels and swallowing them .
9 When she began to use contraception at the age of 42 she probably did so without her husband 's knowledge , but this would have been difficult for most working class women , given the lack of privacy in their homes .
10 On days like this she resolutely closed her mind to worries about Weenie and Co. , put thoughts about Peter aside , and concentrated on herself .
11 With that she abruptly rang off before the thing-gummyjig wrought any mischief .
12 This was again a very painful operation in that she still suffered pain for many weeks thereafter .
13 She suggests that abortion was probably the most prevalent form of contraception for working-class women before 1914–25 She also notes that chemist shops sold quinine , which could be used as a spermicide or as a drug to procure abortion , that a wide variety of drugs were used to achieve abortion , and that advertisers offered many female pills , such as Widow Welch 's Female Pills and Towle 's Pills , which were , in effect , abortifacients .
14 From 1743 she gradually adopted the religious opinions of her brother John .
15 In 1937 she also did another season of variety , for which she always insisted on having her material specially written .
16 May be she did not do as well in the major championships as in previous years but in 1990 she still managed to win one Australian , get in to the final of the French and the US Opens , and the semi final of Wimbledon .
17 He sounded so utterly unlike the Leo she thought she was used to that she automatically obeyed .
18 Presumably Meh'Lindi 's previous mission had succeeded and the Director of the Callidus Shrine was inclined to field-test her again
19 In addition to these she also kept a ready supply of scourges ‘ with which she often restored the dead to life ’ : ‘ holly brushes , furze brushes ; a prickly evergreen called butcher 's bush ’ — and to give a refreshing taste of summer , green nettles !
20 If she arrived in Benedict 's to find herself established as his mistress , future wife , or both , she would promptly develop a new set of anti-Richard complexes to add to those she already had , and Heaven help his chances with her then !
21 At that she automatically covered her legs and said ‘ What ! ? ’
22 At first she only saw the dark shape of the forest beside the road , then as her eyes adjusted to a faint lifting of the gloom a narrow laneway appeared between the trees .
23 So her relief at the friendly , bantering tone sent her spirits sky-high , and at first she hardly took in the news he was giving her .
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