Example sentences of "[prep] [art] two year " in BNC.

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1 A most noticeable achievement was that of 812 Squadron ( Glory ) which , together with Sea Furies from 804 , carried out 4,834 missions during the two year Korean war .
2 Research summary : During the two year period for which this project was funded some 185,000 valuations have been gathered from nearly 17,000 probate inventories for the counties of Hertfordshire , Worcestershire , Lincolnshire , and Durham over the period 1550 — 1750 .
3 The Athlone Angling Festival is back after a two year absence caused by the problem of Irish fishing licences and the death of orgaaniser Sean Egan .
4 A section of the Education Bill prevents school library services from offering their facilities to grant maintained schools after a two year period .
5 She was Mary Jennings now , a blonde from Atlanta Canton , returning to the eastern seaboard after a two year secondment to the European arm of her Company .
6 Damien Amos returns to work in the Design Studio after a two year break into the music business : He plays bass guitar with a group that recently recorded an album .
7 Alan McDonald , Industrial Engineer , after a two year ‘ day release course ’ at Stow College , Glasgow , and much home work , achieved good results in his finals for the Institute of Management Services .
8 The detailed plans were unveiled after a two year study , but local people say they 've been misled , and councillors say it would be an environmental disaster .
9 the elements for the powerboaters this weekend are water and wind … as the British Grand Prix returns after a two year gap … it 's being raced in cardiff and favourite to win is Steve Kerton of Gloucestershire … he 's lying second in the world championship … he 's going for the win but is happy to be back racing in britain
10 the elements for the powerboaters this weekend are water and wind … as the British Grand Prix returns after a two year gap … it 's being raced in cardiff and favourite to win is Steve Kerton of Gloucestershire … he 's lying second in the world championship … he 's going for the win but is happy to be back racing in britain
11 ONE of the founders of successful North Yorkshire food group Dalepak has died after a two year battle against leukaemia .
12 With two new atoms added to the previous five , the children tackled harder problems ( ‘ How many different CFC molecules can you invent with these model atoms ’ ? ) , and towards the end of the two year trial they had become familiar enough with valencies and weights to take to the Periodic Table idea enthusiastically .
13 The 1949 plan , that of the first year of the two year plan , was fulfilled by industry as a whole by 103 per cent .
14 One hundred men will be interviewed in depth during the course of the two year qualitative study .
15 The C E C have had twelve months , the sections have been up and running , they should have learnt from the experiences over the last twelve months because all that they 've done is presented us with the same document with the exclusion of the one issue of the two year conference .
16 This paper examines the performance of students in the two major courses of the two year DipHE at Doncaster Metropolitan Institute .
17 The recent study found that 10 per cent of the two year old females were breeding .
18 Meanwhile the condition of the two year old boy is said to be improving .
19 Yes I do erm Peter , it 's a smashing book erm very smart indeed and erm it 's it 'll be a really nice thing to have , it 'll be very useful this season for checking up some of the two year olds who are now three year olds , coming up in the next few months .
20 Yes I am , yes I am , well they do they are quite bullish sometimes about some of the two year olds , there in the essays , in the longer essays about some of the better erm fancied horses from last year .
21 • This 33 lb 12 oz pike was the result of a two year campaign at a Nottinghamshire gravel pit by Mansfield miner David Dare .
22 You can also ease initial strain on your cashflow by taking advantage of a two year ‘ capital repayment holiday ’ , during which you only pay interest on the loan and make no capital repayments .
23 They voted by 19 to 6 in favour of a two year moratorium , during which time a scientific committee will ‘ review the scientific and technical considerations relevant to the proposed amendments ’ .
24 B. Or MEDICAL PHYSICS , by means of a two year block release course commencing the last two weeks in September 1991 .
25 In Kirkcaldy only two thirds of patients received a diabetes review by their general practitioner in the first or second year of a two year study and only 50% had annual blood glucose assessments .
26 Her qualification comes at the end of a two year distance learning course , during which time Irene had to attend Robert Gordon 's University for five days every three months , complete and pass six modules as well as writing a 10,000 word research based dissertation .
27 This survey was part of a two year research project on adults doing science , mathematics or engineering courses in further and higher education funded by the Scottish Office Education Department .
28 Other combinations of hotel and catering craft or supervisory qualifications and experience ( such as successful completion of a two year full-time craft course plus one year 's appropriate experience ) .
29 I 'm the father of a two year old and I 'd like him in school by the age of four to learn Japanese .
30 The students , among whom a significant proportion was female , were at the beginning of a two year full time course on subjects familiar to CIT students .
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