Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 And besides , there was soon a property wagon and two more sleeping wagons for the many members of the wealthy company .
32 This show will be a revelation for the many Americans who are too young to have seen the major survey mounted by Wildenstein in New York in 1949 .
33 These discoveries have a bittersweet taste for the many mothers who have been told by their doctors that they themselves were at the root of such problems — because they were over-anxious , inexperienced , nervy , overindulgent or whatever .
34 When building work was booming , contractors were able to allow , in their tenders , for the many problems which always arose and added to their costs .
35 In Florida , the Caribbean , Queensland , and South East Asia they may be extremely extensive , and are important not only for the huge variety of life within them crabs , spiders , molluscs — but also for the many creatures that visit them for food ( herons , egrets ) and which breed in the shelter they provide .
36 This might have implications for the many companies which import computers made outside the European Community especially the " clone " importers who affix their own name to the equipment .
37 Applications are processed , predominantly on the basis of tape exchange with PCAS , and visits and interviews are arranged , using subsystems to record the details , to print checklists for the many interviewers involved , and to print personalized labels for visitor/ interviewee information packs .
38 The Union organises meetings of its members , presents a comprehensive entertainments programme on all sites , and provides funds for the many clubs and societies in the University , as well as offering a wide range of services to students .
39 The village and coastline have an air of sadness because of the many ruined crofts facing the water , but there is hospitality for the many visitors .
40 Now it should be re-named the ‘ Oil City ’ , since its shops and industries are booming as the main base for the many services supplying the oil wells of the North Sea and their workers .
41 This area of the holiday business is a growth area — which is good news for the many scholars who would formerly have worked only for universities and can now supplement their incomes as tour guides .
42 Although the initial allocation of function and content to some packages will be necessarily vague , their very existence nevertheless provides an invaluable framework for the many specialists working on the project .
43 Since previous to the revolution the majority of women had very low levels of education and , therefore , few opportunities open to them , the FMC embarked on an educational program and a rehabilitation scheme for the many women who found themselves in degrading and unrewarding situations .
44 Specifiedly general objects , such as forms and universals , by their very nature stand for the many things which are instances of them : a single particular may be in a variety of relations — most obviously causal , spatial or temporal - to others , but the nature of a ‘ standing for ’ relation is obscure .
45 As a meeting point for the many cultures that make up modern Spain , Madrid is a bustling city in the middle of the central plain known as the Meseta .
46 The local transmissions of the External Service were for the many expatriates working in the country who understood little or no Swahili .
47 Cheers ( Channel 4 ) CHEERS and thank you for the many memories .
48 Physical mobility is essential for the many activities aimed at maintaining safety , whether at home , at work , at play or while travelling .
49 The former road turns beyond the lane junction and crosses the valley to Morvich , a farming settlement in lovely surroundings with accommodation and camping for the many walkers who find this a convenient base for their mountain expeditions .
50 Sadly , even their combined efforts can not hope to compensate for the many jobs lost .
51 Creating a Carer 's Benefit for the many individuals who forgo normal earnings to look after elderly or disabled relatives .
52 We pray for the church , for all who are followers of Christ ; O God , we pray for the work of the province of Jerusalem and the Middle East , and for this Diocese ; for Samir Kafity , our Bishop , for the Cathedral , for St George 's College , and for the many parishes throughout this province .
53 As a responsive composite ‘ biomaterial ’ , a biosensor is rather special , not only in the complex , multiple alliance of the materials in any individual device , but also in the wide range of materials that must be considered for the many types of transduction systems .
54 Flaps are described in detail for the many pilots who do not fully understand how to make the best use of them , and who may be nervous about their first flights in a flapped machine .
55 But for the many guests who lie basking in the sun , around the pool or on the Club 's beach , the most familiar view is the endless expanse of brilliant blue sky .
56 I recommend it not only for its excellent chapter on 17th century siege warfare , but also for the many clues it throws up en passant about where you might begin searching if you know of , or read about , a siege in your locality that is not in the book 's contents list .
57 The lead times for the many publications on your media list can vary tremendously , some monthly magazines having a lead time of six months or more .
58 A great deal of traffic was involved in moving ammunition and bombs for the many airfields in the vicinity .
59 For the many publishers who already originate their products in electronic form — particular those active in reference publishing who actively database their properties from the start — the step from electronic origination to electronic delivery is not great , at least not in practical terms .
60 In addition , the proffered certainties of Calvinism had great appeal for the many men and women who were suffering from the dislocation and anxiety produced by a period of unpredictable economic development and rapid social change .
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