Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 MIDDLESBROUGH 'S community charge for 1992–93 was fixed last night at £353-a-head , an increase of £43.66 on the current year .
2 The new National Certificate catalogue for 1992–93 was sent out to centres in early January .
3 Middlesbrough 's original poll tax for 1992–93 was set at £353 and Langbaurgh 's was £376 .
4 That 's about that 's gon na be about it .
5 At the end of the day , the only way to do something about that is to put more men on the streets .
6 The member of staff when I spoke to him about it afterwards — I did not call him in to speak to him about it immediately because I did not think it was either my place or my duty — I told him that she was very concerned about that being said to her son and quite frankly so was I , and really was that the sort of thing to say and he agreed it was n't the thing to say but he said ‘ I was so angry at the time .
7 And all I could remember and all the the only thing I can remember about that was running after the car with .
8 Only focal immunostaining for ET-1 was seen in lung sections from patients with focal non-specific fibrosis ( E ) .
9 A significant aspect of her work is that it always broaches the boundaries between the traditional disciplines of philosophy , psychoanalysis , literary , and art theory ; the implications it holds for each are touched on by the essays in this collection ( for instance , Ainley , ‘ The Ethics of Sexual Difference ’ ; O'Connor , ‘ The An-Arche of Psychotherapy ’ ; Minow-Pinkney , ‘ Virginia Woolf : ‘ Seen from a Foreign Land' ’ ; and Burgin , ‘ Geometry and Abjection ’ ) .
10 It is therefore essential that the control mechanisms for each are put in place at the beginning of the design stage .
11 Realistic aims for each are chosen in relation to :
12 They shared a common aim , however , for each was trying to keep the standard of soldierly behaviour up to at least that of an acceptable minimum .
13 Although a fall root definition for each was derived , the model development was based mainly on the transformation needed , using the simple guidelines considered in earlier chapters , ie by defining the inputs and desired outputs , leading to an understanding of the change that the sub-system brings about .
14 Some of the barley is used for malting to make beer but about two-thirds is fed to beef cattle which are fattened quickly and slaughtered at about 1½ years old .
15 In the USA it is estimated that about 80 per cent of collective agreements are confined to employees of a single company and about two-thirds are limited to a single plant ( Cohen , 1975 ) .
16 They 're not quite so committed to doing maths in the morning and English in the afternoon , whereas in a secondary school it is quite difficult to bring in something as that 's going to have such a dramatic effect as a micro without sort of the ripples actually perturbing things to a destructive degree .
17 The earlier stages can be discovered almost entirely by theoretical analysis , with experiments serving largely to confirm the predictions ( and incidentally to provide illustrative material such as that being used here ) .
18 Oh somebody took all our lovely parking ticket display off that was keeping the tas tax disk up and replaced it with black tape .
19 The church took its name from that of an older church a little way off that was demolished to make way for the ramparts of the Porta Romana in 1532 .
20 Global anthropogenic emission of oxides of nitrogen for 1980 were estimated at 75 million tonnes .
21 Healy , 39 overnight , finished unbeaten on 83 as Australia 's 239 for eight was stretched to 303 — a first innings deficit of only 77 .
22 Apart from the Dome , built as the focal point for Hothampton ( a name rapidly forgotten ) little else remains , for little was built .
23 The future strategy for 1993/94 is composed of consolidation and further development of work piloted in previous years and innovation of new enterprise activities throughout the University .
24 The Presidential Grant for 1993/94 was proposed by at an inflation-linked figure of £1,368 .
25 The radiation doses received by classified workers in the UK for 1986 are analysed in Central index of dose information , published by the National Radiological Protection Board and the Health and Safety Executive .
26 Our most important target for 1986 is to increase membership of the Society .
27 This ‘ difference ’ refers not to the difference in the law of the actual topic under study ( for that is to confuse the weakness in the technique with the whole rational for undertaking a comparative approach — if the law is not different why compare ? ) .
28 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
29 At the same time , however , Ure warns that the team is not there to handle day-to-day risk management and the general belief is that the more responsibility for that is pushed down to line management , the better .
30 Nevertheless , it is unwise to generalise and just see planners as an abstract class of bureaucrats for that is to compound their alleged weakness ourselves .
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