Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 He then goes on to list and classify a lengthy and diverse list : visions , dreams , voices , discussions , parables , speeches , proverbs , rituals , laws , songs , drama , poetry , letters , ciphers , anthologies , history , records and stories , and for each he gives chapter and verse .
2 But one thing , on behalf of the museum services , I would like to thank Doreen Griffiths for the help she gave us in our exhibition , ’ Memories of Change ’ , which you can see in the exhibition room over there , and she contributed a lot of photographs , and her memories , and allowed herself to be taped and have her memories in our archive , and for that we give her a great thank , because it 's not always easy for the , sometimes for the first time to begin talking into a tape-recorder , so we thank her very much , and thank you very much for coming in and performing for us today !
3 She would n't be required until the grand finale in the late afternoon , and for that she gave thanks .
4 I just came to make myself au fait with the situation and to garner some information in return for some I give you . ’
5 For this I gave them about 30p , which is rather a lot , & since then they have been running up to me when they see me , offering to polish up my briefcase etc .
6 The region of Strathclyde , spreading south from the Clyde to encompass Cumberland and Westmorland , was in the hands of Britons speaking Cumbric , a Welsh form of Gaelic which gave Cumbria its name .
7 I am speaking about a special form of small-holding — the croft , as defined by the UK parliament in legislation , from the first Crofters Act of 1886 to the Act of 1976 which gave the crofter the right to purchase his holding on very favourable terms .
8 Eh , first of all they give them champagne so they all get caught drinking and driving ,
9 In the moral optimism informing this play , evil may corrode trust , but it also destroys the healthy functioning of all who give themselves over to it .
10 Ollivier had already been forced to remake his Ministry , which was now weakened by the presence of many who gave him only grudging support , and this in turn forced him to rely more and more on the Emperor 's personal intervention when difficulties arose .
11 In the minds of those who gave positive thought to it , the Commonwealth was to be an organization to which no one who was unwilling need apply , and in which those who had joined were to reach their decisions on the basis of consensus : the goal to be pursued was an uncoerced acknowledgement of Britain as the senior partner in a world-wide enterprise ; the position to be sought was the supremely equivocal but potentially supreme satisfying one of primus inter pares .
12 The most significant thing about each phenomenon presented in the previous pages is not the nature of the phenomenon itself , but the underpinning — the workings of the consciousness of those who gave birth to such realities and their regard for consciousness as the primary concern in the adventure of life itself , as everything proceeds from it .
13 Sonia Jackson , who contributes this chapter , was one of those who gave written evidence to the Committee .
14 In the case of those who gave financial difficulties as the main reason for not doing a course , specific responses included ‘ could n't afford to lose income ’ or that ‘ course fees were too expensive ’ .
15 Marketing teams analyze this data to produce profiles of those who give and they use these profiles to better target fundraising drives .
16 Now this is very much a voluntary activity on the part of those who give the lectures , but neverthless we have an extremely large list , right across the science area , of lecture titles and lecturers , people who are prepared to go out and do this in schools , and of course they get an opportunity to meet teachers and students in schools in this way .
17 The reason we built it on this particular spot is this is the ash flurry from the boilers from the bottom there of the er power station and er it 's contents of slurry dried out , dried out and graded , well once nice and flat like this it gives the bird an ideal opportunity to at high tide and they can see around , there 's no vegetation , it 's very bad ground , and er , that is load of ducks , a good numbers of er oystercatchers , they do n't sometimes , which is really nice and so easy to count them now cos when the tide is out and you 've got the , the mud flats of course they 're spread out , now they 're nicely condensed down here , so it 's great , great little position for us you know , that 's all courtesy of the bottom of the boiler , you know , you know , give us this nice
18 ‘ It is times like these which give us all hope , ’ she said .
19 Amongst those who gave evidence at the trial was Senator Edward Kennedy , Smith 's uncle , who had initiated the drinking expedition which had led to Smith 's encounter with Bowman .
20 Mr Stewart echoed the praise for all who gave time and money to the appeal , launched three years ago .
21 Self-assembly is a means of organisation identical with that which gives rise to the simple spatial order of crystals , which is a concept readily appreciated by physicists and chemists .
22 With that he gave in and sold .
23 I 'm happy , ’ and with that he gave another sob .
24 ‘ Ad enuff have you , boy ? ’ he said picking him up and with that he gave them all a brisk wave and disappeared down the steps , closing the hatch quickly behind him .
25 Through our two hundred projects nationwide we give practical support , counselling , and specialist treatment , but above all we give sixteen thousand children a year the hope for a better future .
26 And above all it gives Stephen Dixon at the Bell a chance to cultivate his clientel .
27 It improved my techniques and skill in interpretation , but above all it gave me confidence in teaching and training students .
28 Suppose a girl under 16 does not wish her parents to know that she is seeking contraceptive advice : the medical profession is divided between those who give priority to partial consent , and others who , in line with the General Medical Council , hold that the principle of professional confidentiality overrides that of parental consent .
29 Thus , institutions have a responsibility to care for those who give care through establishing mechanisms to evaluate and process the stresses of their work .
30 Thank you to everyone who took part in the competition and for those who gave donations .
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