Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] still " in BNC.

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1 Everyone of , who was alive during that day still remembers it vividly , the day of the last mission .
2 The present sketch is the only remaining preparatory canvas for that work still in private hands and in the opinion of Vivian Endicott Barnett , author of the catalogue raisonné of the watercolours , the most important work from 1913 to remain in private hands .
3 The variety of their occupations gives a sense of the remarkably diverse bases for economic independence still open at the beginning of this century .
4 The secretary of state for foreign affairs still retained , as did his fellow secretaries for war , the navy and the maison du roi , ultimate responsibility for the administration of a group of French provinces ; and each of the four still acted as general secretary to the king , in the drawing up and despatching of official documents of all kinds , for three months in the year .
5 The earnings potential of a first degree student with one year of office experience is the same as that of a second degree student who after six years still only has one year of experience to offer .
6 Meanwhile , if share prices fall , the guarantee of money back after five years still stands .
7 It became clear that The Smiths would escape with expectations for future brilliance still intact from every quarter .
8 This hatred of accepted barriers was another throwback to his distaste for Victorian attitudes still practised in many Northern towns .
9 It is however prepared to advise on suitable locations for individual collections still in private hands .
10 Laura was still roughly chastising herself , and attempting to ignore the hard knot of unsatisfied desire still gripping her body , when Ross came back into the room .
11 Their views are readily recognizable in a world where the fuss about the Turin Shroud has reminded us of a time when high hopes and claims of miracle were commonly attached to pieces of the true cross or heads of John the Baptist , where much Christian literature promises believers great success in life if only they have enough faith in God , and where men and women of political power still try to have God and his Church on their side , and to use their authority to enhance their own .
12 This had been directed primarily at improving rural housing as an adjunct to public health policy , yet not only were the standards of rural amenities still markedly inferior ( for example , 5000 rural parishes possessed no sewerage system ) , but the sheer volume of housing available for rural workers remained inadequate — rural district councils built only 164083 dwellings between 1919 and 1943 , compared with which the number of private houses was 706527 .
13 If the abolition of private property still leaves the proletariat carrying out the orders of management , it remains an exploited class .
14 For all this , some practitioners of each trade still manage to combine the two .
15 I 'm a car owner who 's actually thinking of selling my car because I do n't use it much in Glasgow I do n't need to , I can actually walk to work and to come to somewhere like Edinburgh tonight I would much prefer to use the train , but I think we could have much more adequal plans to do with pedestrianizing city centres so that cars were banned from them altogether , they could bring back trams which are much less in terms of pollution , they might not make us big profits for the company 's but they are a very good way , we , a lot of European cities still use trams .
16 Here a few fragments of painted stucco still remained and on these were painted a tangle of trailing flowers : roses , tulips and irises , some cut , some growing from the ground , others emerging from cornucopias — ancient symbols of fertility and plenty , merging and tangling with the real creepers of the jungle .
17 ( 1982 ) found that one-third of normal 3-year-olds still wet the bed three or more times a week .
18 Despite the need to return to a monetary economy under the liberal market conditions of NEP , by the end of 1922 over onethird of total revenue still came in the form of taxes in kind .
19 During the twentieth century more houses became tied with the decline of the landlord — tenant system in farming and its replacement by owner-occupation , and since the Second World War the chronic shortage of housing in rural areas has increased the importance of tied cottages still further .
20 With a large population of working Dakotas still ploughing faithfully on , the marketplace for turbo conversions has great potential .
21 The emotions of that period still lived within him .
22 The sole surviving member of that family still lives in Cotherstone , just a few yards down the road from Hannah 's cottage .
23 Although many elements of that model still exist today , there is also quite widespread dissatisfaction with it , and there has been some attempt to find out why , and to modify these elements .
24 Impressions of that evening still remain .
25 Fraud is likely to occur only in sales of brand-name drugs still under patent .
26 There is a surprising number of medieval houses still standing , sometimes quite unexpectedly awaiting discovery .
27 The original bookcases of carved oak still lined the walls , although they now housed the Laboratory 's not inconsiderable scientific library , while extra shelf-room for bound copies of national and international journals had been provided by two steel movable units which divided the room into three bays .
28 Nervous , she drifted away towards another couple still standing by the door .
29 However so far , all attempts to bottle this ‘ smell ’ satisfactorily have failed , and how to use this aspect of sexual attraction still remains largely a mystery .
30 We have already told of another victim still too frightened to tell police of the day Courtney tried to rape her .
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