Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] which give " in BNC.

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1 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
2 She thus had little use for cinema which gave great weight to symbolism , and unfavourably contrasted symbolist poetry to the work of poets like Ezra Pound whose world operated , not through meaning , but through the ‘ direct impact of words ’ .
3 Again Yorkshire and Humberside er Scotland and Wales tending to lead that erm all of them as I said have got strong output trends erm in terms of Yorkshire and Humberside the orders er seem to be very much domestic rather than export but widely spread between sectors which gives
4 Instead , people are developing other problems are developing other problems such as cancers which give rise to the need for long-term community support .
5 Mr Cross walked to the signal box at Girvan and waited until the train was belled off Kilkerran which gave him sufficient time to drive to Pinmore .
6 It seems that in Japan microlights are restricted to flying no more than 1.5 kilometres from point of take-off which gives little chance of developing mature navigational skills .
7 It is exactly this kind of function which gives the first three examples their odd effect .
8 Mr Foster recommended the Swedish law of allemansratt which gives the public a general right of access over uncultivated , unfenced land , subject to the protection of residential privacy and reasonable management needs .
9 Dr Macdonald was consulted on a series of cases which gave him clues to what was to become an accepted theory .
10 Extent of labour force participation is an important indicator of the position of women because on the one hand , it is a way in which women contribute to the economic development of their countries and , on the other , because work is a major source of income which gives access to education , culture , power and other factors influencing social status .
11 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
12 It was the goals from McStay , McAllister and McClair which gave the Scots a stirring win in Norrkoping , and the bite of McCall which gave them a formidable balance .
13 The other major concern for women is about finding ways of living which give us more independence , more control over our own lives , and more self worth than is frequently the experience of women in subordination to men .
14 It was the Second Law of Thermodynamics which gave Victorian intellectuals a certain frisson because it seemed to imply that the world was running down .
15 It is not hard , however , to make a strong case for the view that unrest in a particular part of the empire in 1858 loomed large in the regime 's decision to opt for the version of emancipation which gave peasants land .
16 The process is simply to find the combination of variables which gave the best fit in the past and then to extrapolate the equation to make predictions .
17 Cases of transactions which give , at any rate , a moral right , but a right which the Common Law Courts can not or will not protect .
18 The place itself , the arrangement of those low , recently rebuilt stone farms and the few mud and wattle cottages , the eternal comfort of the lake 's shape and colours which seemed not to mirror but to temper her mood , the rise of fells which gave her sensibility its reach .
19 An initial child protection conference should not be called until there has been a s47 investigation into any incident or allegation of abuse which gives rise to concern .
20 Again although there will be occasions when the bare lexical item will suffice to indicate meaning , when the context or the convergence of knowledge of those concerned will provide the specificity required , it will generally need to be supplemented by the addition of elements which give the word a more precise conceptual focus .
21 Early air travellers often flew for adventure , not just speed , and some travellers today , who do not have to cram a two-week break into a busy year , have gone back to earlier forms of transport which give them a far sharper sense of going places .
22 The really unbelievable thing about this book is the power of imagination which gave rise to it .
23 It is the feeling of helplessness which gives rise to religious ideas and practices which in turn offer comfort and some protection , partly by giving men confidence .
24 New proteins are now synthesized which provide the muscle 's contractile machinery and it becomes organized in the cell into a highly ordered array of filaments which gives muscle its striated appearance .
25 In A.D. 313 the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which gave to Christians the right to practise their religion openly on an equal basis with other religions .
26 In A.D. 313 the Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which gave to Christians the legal right to practise their religion openly on an equal basis with other religions and , after A.D. 325 , Christianity became the official religion of the empire .
27 Erika was ready for a treat and a moment later , surrounded by a forest of plants which gave the café an Amazonian aspect , they were seated and ordering coffee and cakes .
28 In this case it was the prolongation of war which gave an opportunity to men lacking landed ties in England to show how important their presence in France could be .
29 I want to welcome obviously particularly er the order relating to Wales because it confers on Wales er one additional seat , giving us five altogether because of the rise in the Welsh population over the last ten years and that er although Wales was under represented under the previous erm er you know distribution of seats which gave us only four we will be slightly over represented when we have five because you simply ca n't have four and a half seats , it 's got to be one or the other but since the Welsh population is continuing to rise very rapidly then it is likely that that will be put right .
30 Religious language provided women with a powerful critique of male sexuality , a language of outrage which gave them their means of representation into the male world of public political debate .
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