Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , in America , the New FADS have signed to Mute/Electra through Play It Again Sam .
2 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
3 For reasons to be explained , the original legislation was found to be defective , and was amended in 1976 ( and placed into the legislative context of the Public Order Act 1936 ) , but even after amendment it still gave rise to complaints that it fell short of the aspirations of its promoters in its effects .
4 During January it also became clear that both Buchanan and , more especially , David Duke — the third Republican candidate and a former Ku Klux Klan leader — faced increasing difficulties in getting their names entered on to the Republican ballot papers in many states .
5 Since it takes no account of possible movements between sites it probably contains some duplications .
6 That makes it strategically important that I report back to Earth Central , Defries thought , and of course it also makes it highly unlikely that I 'll survive to do so .
7 " The river 's part of my manor , but of course it also belongs to the River Police .
8 Given this revised definition , it becomes natural to talk about preserving and defending democracy rather than achieving it , for of course it already exists in such fortunate countries as Britain and the United States .
9 The truth of the matter is of course it probably would n't be all greenfield land , but that 's the worst case that I 'm talking about .
10 And of course it mainly works the other way , does n't it — I mean Hilda hating Viola . ’
11 ‘ Well of course it bloody well matters ! ’
12 Of course it bloody well hurts ! ’
13 Of course it still has to sell the idea to management and our source thinks Austin is still 24 months from a product , but the notion could be IBM 's answer to Microsoft 's NT .
14 And of course it then , in the end you have to say oh well I 'd like to but I do n't think my legs are equal to it .
15 But I had a problem in that very often people wanted a double wardrobe moving and of course it then needed two men .
16 Of course it only gradually came to mean all this to me through the succeeding years , through my memory of it .
17 It 's a euphemism for dusting , but of course it never works out like that .
18 Of course it never happened , but he definitely wanted to do it .
19 Of course it never used to be like this .
20 Of course it damn well hurts ! ’ she shouted , tears welling up to mingle with the rain .
21 In talking of groups it soon became abundantly clear that the young lady to whom the remarks were addressed was mystified .
22 Because a standard IQ score is usually a good measure of g it efficiently tells us something important .
23 Nothing that would stand looking at too closely , of course , but it was like all the best illusions that she 'd ever seen , onstage or off because for all its contrivance , in the moment of perception it somehow transcended reality .
24 After years of uncertainty it now appears that a new chapter is about to open in the life of Dunkirk Mills .
25 I think in terms of schools it only really applies to special schools , I think once y even in some of the small independents , once you get over about forty or fifty , then you 're gon na have enough contacts
26 I I think it 's just words that briefly talking about that issue office states because I think in terms of management it just does not make any sense .
27 National growth was uneven ; in the north of England it quickly took root although in the northwest and in Wales it grew more slowly ; it was always weak in Liverpool .
28 As a medium of exchange it no longer works , and that 's that .
29 In terms of sound it hardly matters , because once you plug in live , the real sound is brought out in the house — you go both direct and to the amp ( racked Gallien-Krueger and Ampeg SVT heads through Hartke cabs in Gene 's case ) .
30 Because was before the observations of Mr it just that you 're going back to cabinet government anyway cos you say t take a few on each committee , just have a few small committees and they 'll do the job .
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