Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] over [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Following the resignation of Ernst Pedro Casseus as president of the Chamber of Deputies ( lower house of parliament ) after disagreements over his decision to suspend the session , Duly Brutus was unanimously elected as the chamber 's new president on Aug. 20 .
2 Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Carlos Torres y Torres Lara had resigned on Oct. 31 after criticism over his handling of the border dispute with Ecuador [ see p. 38526 ] .
3 Accompanying the programme is To Serve and Protect , 10 commandments for everyday policing issued to every officer , after consultation over its text with MPs and community organisations .
4 Buckmaster , hands clasped behind his erect back , paced the room restlessly , pushed a shock of hair over his head .
5 Before leaving town he had a professional shave , shampoo and trim — not too much off — just the straggle of hair over his collar .
6 In 1940 , Thomson was considered as one of the portraitists , but his deafness was considered enough to disqualify him , and the post went to Eric Kennington who however resigned in 1942 over criticism of the ‘ violence ’ of his portraits , and now without an explanation for the change of heart over his deafness Thomson was appointed to succeed him .
7 Sir Bryan told the insurance industry yesterday that commissions should be related to the long-term maintenance of policies over their full lifetime , rather than paid out as a lump sum immediately a policy was sold .
8 In England , the guidelines issued by the Lord Chief Justice for sentencing in rape cases set out a starting point of eight years ’ imprisonment for two or more rapists acting together , for men who rape victims in the victim 's own home , for those who abuse positions of responsibility over their victims and for rape involving abduction .
9 It hit out after a report from the Parliamentary Ombudsman sharply criticised the Ministry of Agriculture over its failure to ‘ devise and implement a scheme which complied with the legislation ’ to pay compensation .
10 Legislation to create the agency has been delayed by a dispute between the Department of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture over its role .
11 BELVILLE : A wife should draw a sort of veil over her husband 's faults .
12 ‘ Twenty years ago two mediums told me all they could see was bags of money over my head .
13 ‘ Twenty years ago , two mediums told me all they could see was bags of money over my head .
14 Julia came round just as he was erecting a kind of tent over her bed .
15 How we bury people , how we marry people — First Spiritualists are always married as close to 3 February as possible , and , when the bride has made her vows , someone pours a bottle of milk over her head ( ‘ to feed her young ’ ) — how we pray , how we hang sheets out of the upstairs window to celebrate a birth , how we seem so utterly and completely deranged and yet feel so utterly and completely sane .
16 Caught in the Frame ( Collins Willow , £19.99 ) : Pictures of a naked man , with nothing left to the imagination , playing the cover drive would , under most circumstances , send traditional cricket followers into a state of apoplexy over their pink gins .
17 Although the thunder and lightning had moved further off the horses were still in a very nervous state when the roar of flames over their heads drove them wild so that they were very difficult to handle .
18 Bryan Thomson 's match was already at the first tee when Patrick strolled up with the bag of clubs over his shoulder .
19 Employment was more easily lost than obtained in the eighteenth century , for supervisors with power of removal over their subordinates rarely had much inclination to investigate the accuracy of an accusation against one of their officers , if that charge was brought with the support of a man of political influence who might harm his own career if thwarted .
20 For the first time , it appeared , Mrs Thatcher had some measure of command over her own Cabinet .
21 BEHIND the war of words over their respective performances , there is good news for all three ferry operators on the Ulster-Scotland sea-route .
22 They rose to their feet as she approached , both men casting glances of appreciation over her appearance .
23 The shock and mystery of two tragic and violent deaths jostled for attention with a sense of uncertainty over her future relationship with Barney .
24 The French are pragmatic to the point of openness over their illegal activities but in the end it is the smallest and most immoral of them all , Mossad , which is the most efficient .
25 She was asleep — there was a little island of light over her bed in the side-room of the empty ward — and someone said in a professional whisper , ‘ Do you think she 's ready for the next stage ? ’
26 Each was wearing one half of a pair of tights over his head .
27 He talked religion with the great Erasmus Darwin in Derby , preached to sometimes vast congregations from Unitarian pulpits — ‘ my Sermons spread a sort of sanctity over my Sedition ’ — and returned in triumph to Bristol with the names of several hundred new subscribers .
28 The federal government had proposed that enactment of its September 1991 constitutional reform proposals [ see p. 38429 ] should depend on approval by seven provinces representing at least 50 per cent of Canada 's population , and the NDP could thus have an unexpected degree of influence over their fate .
29 Mr Greenhow said at an inquest in Darlington yesterday his wife became depressed because of anxiety over her health and home .
30 ‘ I caused the party a great deal of anxiety over my views ’ he explained and added ‘ but strangely enough with this book it has not been such a struggle .
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