Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] while you " in BNC.

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1 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
2 ‘ Well , ’ said Ken , ‘ do n't expect me to look after Apricot while you 're at work .
3 She had a month off work while you filled in , then started again as my secretary last week . ’
4 Now you 're gon na want a pin , these are rather small pins , I recommend that peop people who have got large hands try and fit their first aid kit out with large pins , they 're much easier to handle , but firstly they do not put pins in their mouths for obvious reasons , either , either have it on the table open ready or just pop it in the front of shirt while you do this bit , okay ?
5 Enjoy the fragile illusion of freedom while you can , but remember — I 'm on your trail .
6 Of course while you 're on the Continent , you do n't have to restrict yourself to alcohol and tobacco .
7 They feel you have to endure great anxiety and suffer a lot and of course while you 're doing that , you do n't get the work done . ’
8 If I ca n't look after my own son for a couple of hours while you go shopping , heaven help us . ’
9 I 'll buy a guide book , go see some stuff , kill a couple of hours while you go plop yourself down somewhere cool and shady and have a beer or whatever this season 's trendy drink is , and then we 'll meet at six o'clock or so , ride back to the palace together , and tell Anna we had an absolutely smashing day . ’
10 Would you like a drop of tea while you 're waitin' ? ’
11 You can have a cup of tea while you wait .
12 ‘ If you fancy a bit of sailing while you 're here you know where to come . ’
13 ‘ I expect you 'd like a bit of rest while you drink yer tea .
14 ‘ Get me a packet of Woodbines while you 're round there Ma , ’ he bawled from the washhouse .
15 Alternatively either colleagues or neighbour could perhaps ring a relative or friend who might move into your home and take care of things while you are in hospital .
16 Get me a glass of water while you 're in the kitchen .
17 Even if the Fanatics do n't hit the enemy they will block his line of advance while you get stuck in elsewhere with your best troops .
18 Putting a patch on is an easy way to get your dose of nicotine while you 're trying to give up .
19 At the end of the exercise have a short period of conversation while you concentrate on the fingertips on your larynx and on feeling the right degree of voice volume , your friend keeping check for you on the right amount of voice volume and indicating if it becomes too loud or too quiet .
20 a customer 's children are playing roughly with goods while you are serving the customer
21 For this reason it can be a mistake to try to break into advertising while you are too young .
22 ' If you 'll give us a lend of your stout stick I 'll deal with McMurdo while you see to them . ’
23 Keep to the safest , simplest dishes when eating in restaurants while you follow the F-Plan slimming diet .
24 Hold the washer in place while you connect the bottle trap and waste pipe
25 Make a small hole through the ceiling next to a joist with a bradawl , leaving it in place while you go downstairs and transfer the position ( and width ) of the joist on to the ceiling downstairs with pencil marks .
26 In Thailand while you wait .
27 A classic way of finding out how much of your own job can and should be delegated is to put someone in charge while you are away .
28 When they come back into work , begin feeding the highfat/performance-type diet about six weeks in advance while you are training them up for the extra work ahead .
29 go and have a look in Atlantis while you 're here
30 For the man or woman in the fast lane , keeping in touch while you 're on the move is safer and simpler than ever before with the new British Telecom 's Azure cellphone .
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