Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] still [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The right to stand for election still remained restricted to Matai .
2 His passion for books still raged , and so did his desire to study , to instruct himself .
3 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
4 The real point about the events of 1558 is that it was a missed opportunity for the Catholics , missed because Mary of Guise still temporized , still would not put the weight of the ‘ state ’ behind that of the church .
5 He said that an existing legislative assembly of Kurdistan still enjoyed the recognition of the Iraqi government as the representative body of Iraqi Kurds .
6 In 1844 one auxiliary corps of artillery still stood guard on the city walls at night , and they disturbed many people with their noisy alerts .
7 The remnants of feudalism still survived .
8 ‘ I 'm sure you 'll excuse Miss Blake , ’ he said gravely to the flock of fans still clustered about her .
9 The thing was wearing clothing still ; shreds of fabric still clung to it and were somehow interwoven with the grey and leprous flesh .
10 At the moment their relationship was a weekend one , but both of them occasionally thought that the idea of marriage still had something to be said in its favour .
11 It is impossible to say precisely how much of England still lay in open field in 1700 or thereabouts , but one can make a rough estimate .
12 The poetry of England still flourished .
13 Albert Reynolds , the Finance Minister , was dismissed on Nov. 7 after he attacked Haughey , saying that he was not satisfied that the strong and decisive government necessary for the well-being of Ireland still existed .
14 The two tiny suits of armour still stood where they belonged since some remote knight had given them up ( sent them to the attic of the day , like old hunting boots ) .
15 The two full glasses of wine still stood untouched on the table .
16 And now she had one bony hand extended towards Charles at the top of the table and in it was her dinner fork with a piece of meat still speared on it .
17 A six inch deep channel of water still flowed over their wader clad feet as they stood in a rough circle looking down at something in the mud .
18 A few faint diamond droplets of water still glittered in the hair that whorled sensuously around his jewel-hard nipples .
19 Similar to Fitzgerald , I had retreated a few patients months to years after their initial management , but one third of patients still had symptoms of constipation 6.8 ( 2.8 ) years after initial evaluation .
20 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
21 The balance of convenience still had to be shown by the plaintiff to be in his favour but , as Wedderburn says , the threat of irreparable harm to the employer 's ‘ property ’ in his business interests could not be out-weighed by the defendant union .
22 No doubt , too , the tattered flag of Iran still fluttered from its mast .
23 However , a country could have a moderately high average level , while some sections of society still had very short life expectancy .
24 This movement appeared more or less spontaneously and its emergence shows how this section of society still possessed its own individualism and independence .
25 Earlier that morning , she had piled the bedsheets in a corner of the room ; a sweet aroma of grapes still clung to them .
26 There were areas in which the more traditional , buccaneering type of entrepreneur still played a role .
27 Well over half of profit still came from overseas , and marine paint and powder coatings were narrowly the largest contributors .
28 Well over half of profit still came from overseas , and marine paint and powder coatings were narrowly the largest contributors .
29 William 's readiness to make money out of Yorick still seemed rather tasteless .
30 the Secretary of State still had to announce his long awaited decision on the Brynhenllys Inquiry and he rejected British Coal 's appeal for a large site at Pwll Du .
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