Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that with " in BNC.

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1 The Chairman then brought the Meeting to a close with thanks to all who had attended and an expression of hope that with the support of an enthusiastic and growing membership the Society would continue to prosper during the coming year .
2 " This Meeting having taken into Consideration the State of the Island as to Grain & provisions , until the next Crop comes on , are of opinion that with economy , there may be neither in the Island , what is sufficient for the Support of the Inhabitants , but if any Grain or putatoes are exported from the Island , that it may endanger a scarcity … " and they are " to use their utmost exertions for preventing any of the Grain of the Island being destroy 'd by Illegal Distillers … "
3 In other Words to the Damd Villans of Farmers that with hold the Corn …
4 He was establishing a pattern of behaviour that with minimal alterations was to become essential to his habitual well-being : long walks with a selected companion , in place of the organized games and sports of boyhood and middle-school days ; the acquisition of semi-rural skills — fishing , bird nesting , skinning pelts , skilful carpentry , well-arranged collecting of eggs and butterflies and specimens ; and , always , the adventure of trespass and unusual exploration that was , in some frenetic way , aimed at the rapid expansion of suburban villa London into older , more rural surrounding communities .
5 How has a Montpellier fishwife so mastered the art of composition that with her basket of fish for the bouillabaisse she is presenting a picture of such splendour that instead of going to look at the famous collection of paintings in the Musée Fabre you drive off as fast as possible to the coast to order a dish cooked with just such fish ?
6 As a homosexual , he noticed with dismay that with Lehmann , as with so many homosexuals in the literary and theatrical world , professional brilliance and public success overlay a private life , petty and unsatisfactory .
7 Very clear directions must therefore be given , bearing in mind that with so many dilutions the patient may think the remedy is too strong , or misunderstand the process in some way .
8 Unfortunately it is not cheap or readily obtainable , bearing in mind that with the radiometer it might be necessary to screen a considerable proportion of a growth room .
9 It is beyond doubt that with peaceful development of human society , such progress will be realised in the near future . ’
10 Now we had originally had this extra facility available er so that we could trade off life against the extra thrust in an emergency but there was clearly the possibility erm that that might be used er when it really was n't necessary and we would end up with extra costs , extra life cycle costs , shorter engine life and it was felt on balance that with a reduced threat overall that it was sensible to take out that facility and to accept a longer engine life , but not , there 's no reduction in the total normal thrust but its merely its override combat facility .
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