Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that do " in BNC.

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1 I do n't exactly approve of teacher-pupil relationships , for reasons that do n't need filling in .
2 A matching spinning frame will also be kept , making an independent unit for research that does not affect routine production .
3 Invertebrates are generally defined as animals that do not have a backbone or internal skeleton and that simple definition takes in around 97% of the whole of the living species of animals in the world .
4 Non-propagating contractions were defined as contractions that did not propagate at least 15 cm between the recording ports .
5 And , as I have said before , the further away we get from the original blueprint formula , the more scope there is for books that do less in some directions and perhaps more in others than the standard design would seem to indicate as being possible .
6 Another is pain after stroke that does not respond to narcotics but in some cases is reduced by the opioid antagonist naloxone .
7 This procedure is most suitable for bills that do not raise issues on which parties automatically disagree ; to use select committee-type sittings on such a bill would be to provide further time for repetition of standard partisan arguments .
8 No I was actually getting at a certain person that works for Trident that does n't think it 's worth extra hassle for a hundred and eighty pounds more a year .
9 They are not so insignificant that they can be ignored ; but nor are they so important that they can be allowed to kill the only prospect for peace that does not involve a fight to a standstill .
10 For the time being , the practical effect of the change will be limited to accountants lobbying for a change in the law in the vast majority of states that do not permit accountants to incorporate — only Colorado , Hawaii , Kansas and Wyoming allow it at present .
11 We want , above all else , a system of inspection that does not derive from ideology , that is not a quick fix , that does not represent a commitment to privatisation on the ground that the Department of Education and Science must deliver its element of privatisation .
12 Cocaine is the kind of drug that does not have to do you harm — unless you 're stupid with it .
13 Right now there are plenty of religions that do n't show this er pattern of trauma , repression and latency of return of the repressed , they , they just kind of go on from er from time immemorial , erm and there are plenty of examples of that .
14 In a lot of cases that does seem to happen , but I think it 's partly because people do the wrong things in training .
15 Three outfits costing an amount of money that did n't bear thinking about , but which were nevertheless perfect .
16 The last thing the retailer wants is to be left with a lot of stock that does n't sell .
17 In other words the states of mind that do nothing for the healing process .
18 Somehow though , The Fall of Yugoslavia comes across as a series of fragments that do n't quite make a whole , and any attempts to go beyond the yawn-capacity of school history books are sadly flawed .
19 The first , Chapter 4 , deals with the measurements of crime , the extent and character of recorded crime and the dangers of assuming that the criminal statistics accurately reflect the amount and character of crime that does occur .
20 I mean , seeing the amount of kids that do go out there , and the state of the changing rooms that they are using at the moment , I , I think it 's really degrading .
21 The number of pregnancies that do not produce a viable infant but end in miscarriage , induced abortion or stillbirth or , of those that result in a live born baby with serious health impairment , can not be reliably assessed but it may be put at a much larger figure .
22 What is it and is there a sort of bacon that does n't produce it ?
23 Before that , on their left , was a speck of light that did n't come from ditch or cutting , but from the tunnel so laboriously bored , and whose end John 's sappers had now finally opened .
24 The point was , however , that Cumberbatch and Bates had named a number of video-nasties that did not in fact exist , and yet the children claimed that they had seen them .
25 lines of type that do not start or end at the same position .
26 They asked him how he did it , and he replied , ‘ I just put away the bits of wood that do n't look like elephants ’ .
27 Instead , directors have been treated as being in a position similar to that of trustees or agents , that is , as being persons appointed to perform a diverse range of functions that do not of themselves demand the possession of specific technical skills .
28 The book made large , generous claims for life , and for itself : its beguiling charm made people reluctant to point out that what they had read was in fact a factitious marshalling of concerns that did not stand up too well to scrutiny .
29 ‘ The number of companies that do n't have the right picture is amazing , ’ Mr Desoutter says .
30 There are plenty of companies that do hotels bit itty bitty er
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