Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [subord] there " in BNC.

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1 the whole business looks like being a swings-and-roundabouts affair ; but the worst should be known by about March unless there are any further hold-ups .
2 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if there are currently any contracts with the Atomic Energy Authority for research into the fabrication of weapons components using plutonium ; and whether any such work has been carried out at Harwell .
3 Robert probably lay undiscovered for hours because there were no passing motorists to spot him .
4 ‘ We did n't speak for ages as there were so many complications with debt and the record company .
5 There was never any call for inducements because there was really nothing for people to break the law with .
6 and within the last say twenty five years there 's been a dramatic change in the young people 's way of thinking , maybe more of them have gone to university than they did the previous twenty five years and that there is such a difference now than there was that I mean for instance if there was a war there would n't , there would be far more conscientious objectors than there ever was before far more than erm young man saying no I 'm going to fight for my country , be patriotic I do n't think you would find , for instance , the youth of this country so patriotic as they was in the last war , your country needs you .
7 I du n no , er you know you can put woman staying at home having the child for instance when there are n't enough children to fill the schools realize that having children is a very important in economic values what with nations increasing staying at home
8 At that time he was head of the College of Aeronautics , and I put it to him that there could be advantages both for Cranfield and for AIB if there were a two-month residential course for potential aircraft accident investigators .
9 Only Vic Claydon and George Lord bought fish to the scales for Clacton while there was a steady stream of small fish from the Felixstowe anglers .
10 People sell at auction in booms when there is a strong pool of able buyers — but even more so during recession when there is a steady supply of sellers desperate for immediate cash or receivers and mortgagees trying to cut their losses .
11 One or two of his friends and sympathisers began to take their departure for Germany while there was still time .
12 Critics say this spells trouble for clients as there may be more incentive for these brokers to churn the client 's portfolio to generate an income for themselves .
13 There is no automatic membership of the relevant Commons committees — let alone votes — for MEPs as there is in Bonn and elsewhere .
14 ‘ It is a particular shame for Neil because there were far worse things going on in the game but some people only want to see the dark side of him .
15 The Post Office was a great centre for gossip as there was usually a queue there .
16 They only let us out for baths if there was enough staff , otherwise you had to have a strip wash .
17 French radio broadcasts on Jan. 6 reported Vauzelle as saying : " He [ Saddam Hussein ] is ready for concessions if there is a conference on Palestine . "
18 You may not be insured for theft or malicious damage by a lodger and usually you can only claim for theft if there has been a forced entry from outside .
19 A provision will be void for uncertainty where there is real conceptual uncertainty — for example an option to renew " at a rent to be agreed " where there was no indication of how the rent was to be agreed , not on what basis , not what was to happen if the parties failed to agree ( King 's Motors ( Oxford ) v Lax [ 1969 ] 3 All ER 665 ) .
20 Some of its activities have modified the understandings of the operation of the Convention , in effect constituting amendment through practice where there are no parties to a treaty in force .
21 The degree of laterilisation between different tasks was compared in order to see if there was a greater right field advantage , for example , for words than there is for trigrams .
22 But there was a flat period just after lunch when there seemed nothing to do but wait for the special meeting at half past three .
23 If door staff commit offences , any disciplinary action will take place after conviction unless there is video evidence of a serious offence , which may be considered before a court appearance .
24 We are told that the hermit was once sitting alone in his cell after dinner when there came to him the lady of the house … and many persons with her , and found him writing rapidly .
25 There was no point in transforming Paris and making it easy of access for visitors if there was nothing to see or do when one got there , and so the Court was to be made open as well as brilliant .
26 erm there are a lot of social needs that remain unmet , and meeting those needs would generate more employment , but in many areas of the economy I do n't think there 's so much need for work as there has been in the past , especially as we 're applying new technologies that increase productivity dramatically .
27 They have caused fear and suspicion and encouraged people to look for abuse where there is none , or to dress up actual sexual abuse of children with ‘ satanic ’ imputations .
28 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
29 ‘ Unfortunately , when I have played for England before there has not been a player of his quality or sort in the side .
30 ‘ Because she had the bloody cheek to say no one should fight for England if there 's a war , ’ Maggie said .
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