Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [coord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Rally of the Guinean People , the Guinean Party of Progress and the Union for the New Republic announced on Oct. 8 the formation of an opposition alliance , the Front for Struggle and for Government ; the main aim of the front was to press for the postponement of legislative elections scheduled for November , in order that a national conference could be held beforehand .
2 In the debate about restoration scripture could be quoted both for rigour and for mercy .
3 Le Monde of Feb. 3 described the " sudden conversion " of Modrow ( who had previously stressed that reunification was not on the agenda ) as a response to rising popular pressure for reunification and to the continuing exodus of East Germans to West Germany .
4 The novena was organised by the Our Lady of Pity Sanctity of Life Group , and was a response to the desperate need for prayer and for education of life issues .
5 Proper planning was held up for a time until the route of the M4 was decided , as an early outline brought it through Harpsden and over Peppard .
6 NHAs , like the present NSAs , will rely not on tighter legislation for protection but on voluntary agreements with landowners — where Sites of Special Scientific Interest can be contested , de-registered and exploited by , for example , mining , and where future access to the hills may well be subject to the same uncertainty .
7 Some smaller carnivores such as mongooses are colonial , social , and highly altruistic , using group burrows for protection and as a refuge from which they then forage .
8 But for once I was grateful he was around , both as company for Mum and as an irritant for Auntie Jean .
9 In the press conference accompanying the 1988 launch , the Prime Minister made a statement reiterating this argument : Action for Cities was not about new resources nor new policies , but about co-ordination and about building on apparent strengths ( Platt and Lewis , 1988 ) .
10 Some appear to use the cash flow statement in an impressionistic way , in the words of one interviewee , ‘ to get a feel for investments and for management action ’ .
11 A new harmonium was bought for £7-0-0 and in January 1871 a decision was taken to expel several unruly and ill-behaved boys .
12 Because the history of science has become embroiled in religious polemics , it is important to appreciate that the chauvinism appears not only between religions but within them .
13 The reality of points of convergence should not , however , blind us to the fact that there are enormous divisions , not only between religions but within them .
14 Now one of the things that you tend to find is that if you were to ask about groups then people regurgitate all the stuff about groups but with most questions you can usually see links to other parts of the syllabus .
15 erm it is n't a problem just for Hereford or for this country it 's an international problem which has evoked interest over the whole world .
16 Chiddingfold 's all-round strength proved too much for Hanworth and with Jonathan Fowler scoring four for the second week running , the visitors cantered to an easy victory .
17 New group for beginners and for more experienced writers .
18 The tears had been for himself , for Arabella and for a child who would never be born .
19 Where the extreme view differs from more moderate views is in playing down — or even ignoring — crucial differences between the contexts of learning that obtain for oral and for written language , and between the language modes themselves .
20 This , in turn , will cause us to address the broader issue of whether there is , in a more general sense , a genuine , causal association between insanity and at least some forms of creativity ; and , if that is so , what it can tell us about the underlying qualities of psychosis and of the creative process .
21 This kind of mutuality can certainly happen between friends , though there must be a clear understanding by each as to the nature of the exercise , a proper respect for confidences and for each other 's judgment .
22 War conditions added to the general impetus for change but at the same time they also inhibited change .
23 This impatience led to an overestimation of the potential for change and to premature and ill-fated attempts to force its pace .
24 On the surface , the Conservative victory of 1979 seemed to blunt the case for change and in a 1981 Commons debate on the British constitution the minister of state at the Home Office boldly put the case for no change , arguing that " this is a time when we should stand up for our great tradition of parliamentary democracy …
25 He glanced at Nina for support but by this time she was staring at the ground .
26 Once we accept that fact , we can relax and enjoy the relationship , knowing that , because we are not tying them down , they are all the more likely to remain our friends and even to continue to come to us for support and for advice .
27 But in reality the amount and type of support which kin give each other varies with the particular historical circumstances within which family relationships are played out , so that looking at patterns of support at different points in time means that one is not comparing like with like in quite significant ways : there is variation both in people 's need for support and in the capacity of relatives to provide it .
28 At the operational level Compacts establish goals for employers and for education .
29 In spite of this lack of actual power , their influence can be significant but it varies greatly both between authorities and with the type of development concerned .
30 Peloponnesian and Cretan sculptors work at first not in marble but in local limestones ; later sometimes in marble imported from the Cyclades , but the softer and more readily available stone is long used everywhere for building and for architectural sculpture .
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