Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus large companies and boards of nationalised industries were provided with enormous financial assistance enabling ( or rather persuading ) them to base their reorganisation on designated development areas which in many cases they would not otherwise have chosen , for reasons of both private and public benefit when judged over the longer run [ Knight , 1974 ; Moore and Rhodes , 1973 ] .
2 But it should be kept in mind that the home visit , for reasons of either vocational guidance or after-care , was intended to do more than simply attend to the school-leaver , who was urged to ‘ put your shoulder to the wheel ’ in order ‘ to reduce to a minimum the number of inefficient citizens ’ .
3 This involves formal recognition by the American Radio Relay League which administers the prestigious DX Century Club awards for contacts with over 320 ‘ recognised ’ countries .
4 Rotational structure is , however , rarely resolved except for molecules with only two or three atoms .
5 For more complicated atoms with more electrons , let alone for molecules with more than one nucleus , we have to resort to approximations and intuitive guesses of doubtful validity .
6 For info on how to use this listing , read the explanation printed elsewhere in the Tips section .
7 The G M B has argued for change in how the T U C operates .
8 Open Advantage Unix for SAA is available from Burgess Hill , Sussex-based Accent Computers Ltd in the UK at £500 for a single user version , or up to £2,950 for support for up to 254 SNA sessions .
9 Open Advantage Unix for SAA is available from Burgess Hill , Sussex-based Accent Computers Ltd in the UK at £500 for a single user version , or up to £2,950 for support for up to 254 SNA sessions .
10 The implications of modern ideas about chaos for fully turbulent motion ( as opposed to transition to turbulence to be considered in Section 24.7 ) are primarily concerned with our general understanding of the word ‘ turbulence ’ .
11 Our War Diary desk will be open for queries from 10am-4pm every Friday on , ext 2435 .
12 They are often fiercely competitive , and have a vested interest in establishing a reputation for reliability to both employees and employers .
13 Following a presidential announcement on Dec. 7 , 1989 , that national service for white adult males was to be reduced from two years to one from 1990 , Defence Minister Gen. Magnus A. Malan announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that the period of community service for religious objectors was being halved and that those serving a mandatory six-year prison sentence for refusing the draft would be eligible for remission of up to 50 per cent .
14 For want of about £2 million , the same ca n't be said of the Vulcan Bomber .
15 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
16 The nucleon-to-electron ratio varies from unity for hydrogen to about 2.5 for elements with high atomic number , so that any difference in the gravitational force felt by nucleons and electrons would appear as a difference in the gravitational acceleration of elements of high and low atomic number .
17 Craig Stewart neatly tucked away the first and , before the visitors could recover , an Ord free-kick was hooked across the goal by Butcher for Stewart to again apply the finishing touch .
18 In the limit , LTP can be produced in this way between pairs of synaptically coupled neurons .
19 And for once everyone is falling over themselves to take the Corgis for walkies to out of the way places .
20 THE most conclusive evidence , to date , in support of a physical link between objects with significantly different red-shifts . ’
21 Only Carol Jones ' dogged loyalty had staved off creditors for so long .
22 Budget systems range between £250 to over £1,000 , storing around half a gigabyte on standard data cartridges .
23 In a shrinking Universe the opposite would presumably would be the case : the ‘ arrow ’ would go from future through present to past .
24 On the basis of this type of analysis , we can now pose questions about support between more distant kin in slightly different terms .
25 We 've been fighting about money of late , but then again it might be my face .
26 I wan na see what they say about Spurs after yesterday .
27 Except for cases of incurably ill pets , where owner and vet agree that euthanasia is best , the reasons given are as follows , in order of frequency : a ) The client wants the vet to agree that the animal is terminally ill/suffering/too old to treat .
28 The relatively puny Fascist and Communist movements in Britain gained attention because they were seen as projections of much more important European counterparts .
29 The Collector 's lips moved but his mind had already wandered away , besieged by practical questions … how would they manage for privies with so many people in the banqueting hall , assuming that they were driven out of the Residency ?
30 The plan provides for the construction over the next three years of municipal effluent treatment plants in all towns along the river with a population of over 20,000 , the beginning of construction of such plants for cities of more than 50,000 , and the elimination of industrial sources of pollution .
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