Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [unc] time " in BNC.

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1 In the wake of recent archaeological discoveries , there is now little question that Celtic Christianity , as it evolved between Patrick 's time and the Synod of Whitby in the mid-seventh century , owed little to Rome .
2 If she were to open the door perhaps the blackness would be out there now , ready to swallow her , as it had almost done on that previous occasion ; or would she wander endlessly in a limbo of greyness , forever trapped between Johnny 's time and her own ?
3 He kept Bulgaria close to the Soviet Union , particularly during Brezhnev 's time , but has been unable to cope with President Gorbachev 's move towards democracy and openness .
4 What was so special about Johnny 's time , anyway ?
5 During Edward 's time , a Fielding gas engine was installed , to augment the water power , the gas supply being laid on to the Millbottom area specifically for the mill .
6 The word comes straight from the Greek meaning ‘ nature ’ ; and it did not acquire its narrower modern sense until about Helmholtz 's time .
7 During Spenser 's time Ireland was inhabited by three distinct groups .
8 The Old English tended to be the most influential group within Ireland during Spenser 's time .
9 Chapter 2 is an extended discussion of a particular example , " radar " in bats , discovered long after Paley 's time .
10 In 1844 , after Coleman 's time , the course at the Edinburgh ‘ Dick ’ School was apparently a mere five or six months ' duration .
11 To the east of Carthage in Libya sharp disputes between the monarchian followers of Sabellius and upholders of the Logos theology occurred half a century after Tertullian 's time .
12 The penal system he worked in was not the only thing that had changed during Nicholson 's time .
13 So , for example , Bitstream 's Dutch may appear to be a perfect match for Linotype 's Times at 300dpi but when they are output at a typesetter 's resolution the minute differences will be more exaggerated .
14 St Valentine , incidentally , was a Roman priest martyred on the Flaminian Way during Claudius 's time .
15 Some 5% of user 's time , he claims , is spent in such tasks as backing up a network , and such factors end up costing as much as the original system itself .
16 Erm , St John , towards the end of the novel is described as erm he , when he 's asked Jane and she pleads for quarter of hour 's time to think
17 A great deal of Alison 's time recently has been spent on the launch of the Income Protection and Critical Protection contracts .
18 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
19 In a couple of hours ' time , the kids would be out of school and dogs would be out for their last daylight walks .
20 Yet even more of parliament 's time was occupied dispensing justice in response to petitions from the king 's subjects on all manner of grievances .
21 If we imagine the knight of Richard 's time riding into battle with a padded gambeson ( quilted body-armour ) , chain mail shirt and hose , topped by the huge helm , and swinging a heavy longsword — all in the blistering heat of the desert and against a much lighter-clad adversary — we may wonder that the crusaders managed to win any battles .
22 So she began to speak , choosing her words with care and refusing steadfastly to talk about Johnny 's war , or of the little she knew of Johnny 's time .
23 Appalled by her ignorance of Johnny 's time and of Johnny 's war , she had found some books at the library , and bringing them home , had read them with a mixture of fascination and growing horror .
24 Runner-up David Broome — at 51 proving he is still a major world threat — could only get to within just under three seconds of Bost 's time .
25 Other INSET initiatives , particularly school-led INSET and management training , were being developed towards the end of the evaluation period but they were beyond the reach of PRINDEP 's time and resources .
26 Gradually his scientific interests took less of Dresser 's time .
27 Most of Leapor 's time at Weston Hall and Edgcote House would obviously have been spent working .
28 The school will want more of parents ' time , attention and money .
29 The consumption of parents ' time in this role as ‘ transport guardians ’ is , as Hillman and Whalley have pointed out , an additional major societal consequence .
30 Most of Gould 's time on this first brief visit to Yarrundi was spent in pursuit of one particular bird — the Menura or lyre-bird that abounded in the cedar brush on the slopes of the Liverpool Range .
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