Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] down the " in BNC.

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1 The sheer fury of Southend 's running kept Spurs under pressure and in the 41st minute Gary Mabbutt , newly cautioned for bringing down the impressive David Crown , gave the ball to him .
2 Southend defender Prior played a poor back pass and full-back Powell was booked for bringing down the goal-bound Thompson .
3 In 51 minutes Ian Ferguson crashed in a fierce 20 yarder which flew wide and Rangers missed a great chance to go ahead when Murdoch saved a Hateley penalty kick , after the keeper had been penalised for bringing down the big attacker .
4 The tour operator , Sir Henry Lunn , founded the Public Schools Alpine Sports Club in 1902 and began the British passion for speeding down the piste .
5 The reasons for keeping down the number of updates to an inverted file are discussed below , and the form of a dual serial-inverted file system is shown in Fig. 8.4 .
6 Islip was sent off after bringing down the goalkeeper Iremonger ( they were ‘ probably two of the most hot-headed players in the League , ’ said the Examiner ) , then Mint of Notts County was also sent off for attacking Smith .
7 After writing down the initial equation , we need to rearrange things to get R by itself and defined in terms of what we know — D and T .
8 NEALE Doughty was left with egg on his face after turning down the ride on Haydock stalwart Twin Oaks in favour of Pat 's Jester yesterday .
9 Former England coach Steve Harrison is back at Crystal Palace after turning down the assistant manager 's job at Scottish Premier Division St Johnstone .
10 The 34-year-old has been given a free transfer after turning down the offer of a new contract .
11 A team of police officers swooped on the men 's home in Penny Lane at 9am yesterday and arrested them after breaking down the front door .
12 Quinn crossed the lobby fifteen seconds after slamming down the phone .
13 ‘ Your readers might wonder how he could win at Ripon after finishing down the field when Lester Piggott rode him at York , but there was nothing sinister about it .
14 After slipping down the exit ladder , the aircrew showed a mixture of feelings .
15 Round-the-world yachtswoman Tracey Edwards ( right ) , after sailing down the aisle
16 Quinn hit the opposite pavement thirty-three seconds after putting down the phone on Zack .
17 They have good days and bad days : days when things seem relatively easy , they are on the ball , and a lot gets done , and days when they just ca n't face it and phone in sick — only to feel much perkier half-an-hour after putting down the phone , and a little guilty that ‘ I could have gone in if I 'd really had to ’ .
18 In between carousing down the powdery slopes , Branson and his colleagues could take stock of an empire that had grown almost beyond recognition in the last six years .
19 Remember — your list of questions should leave plenty of room for writing down the answers you get ( do not forget to take a pen ! ) .
20 In the form in which the proposals on community service appeared in the Bill they owed something also to the Government 's hope that the new measure would be seen as a credible alternative to custodial sentences , thus contributing towards the aim of bringing down the prison population .
21 The terrorists know that by hitting commercial buildings and their insurers they are also hitting at a British Government faced with potentially huge underwriting costs even as it is desperate to find ways of bringing down the public sector borrowing requirement .
22 That said , there is a playful yet authoritative personality here , which makes the quasi-erotic experience of pressing down the plunger ( an action that the semiotician of coffee Pierre Beaudidlez has described as having an ‘ ecstatic rightness ’ ) especially piquant .
23 Of stripping down the loose , hot flutter of earth
24 The Bush administration sent contradictory signals about its intentions to continue its economic strategy of keeping down the federal deficit while awaiting recovery in 1992 .
25 The project focuses on developing child-centered techniques suited to 3 year olds , not simply with the aim of pushing down the age of acquisition but in order to test whether a radical change occurs in the types of variable which elicit competent inferences .
26 Gedanken thought there must be something wrong with her eyesight — the strain of looking down the microscope .
27 Fold the second strip of paper in exactly the same way as the first , but instead of pencilling down the folds , cut down only the folds shown with a black line in the diagram below .
28 Creams and ointments containing corticosteroids , because of their powerful anti-inflammatory action , can lessen the symptoms considerably but they also have the effect of damping down the body 's natural defence and , in theory , could lead to the spread of the infection , with potentially fatal results in a primary attack when there is no natural immunity at all .
29 The first is that of narrowing down the causal relation so as not to include , as being in the same self , mental states that belong to different selves .
30 The opposite of turning down the sound is blacking out the picture .
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