Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These meant he took everything personally and , instead of meeting a challenge purely as a challenge , he became aggressive about proving that he , Simon Cooper , was top dog .
2 ‘ VERY cut glass ’ was the phrase in my youth for hinting that somebody or something was a quality product .
3 It may be simpler for utilitarianism to neglect or ignore the demands of justice and equity , but that is no argument for maintaining that there should not be justice and equity .
4 Bryan even came to my home and scoffed at me for suggesting that he and the Duchess were lovers .
5 Despite the fact that Hilton says in chapter ten of Mixed Life that the nobleman who is like Jacob married to Rachel and Leah will only become Israel " is verri contemplatif " ( 33.374 – 5 ) , if he is released from worldly responsibilites there is no ground for suggesting that he meant to rule out the possibility of the most profound kind of contemplative experience for the man in mixed life .
6 ‘ Do n't start that again , Ruth , or I 'll manually wrench your other ankle after I 've spanked your backside for suggesting that I am keeping you from your work .
7 And that bloke is responsible for seeing that everything is put in place .
8 Two symbols are therefore used , S indicating a specialist technical contribution and E identifying the person responsible for seeing that they do get together .
9 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
10 Now who will be responsible for seeing that it 's there ? ’
11 Richard is responsible for seeing that it is done .
12 Dave Preece introduces a technique for laminating that he first used when shaping the curved runners on a sled
13 Quinn has been interpreted by some as suggesting that his form of incrementalism leads to a steady emergence of change .
14 No but then you 've got ta guarantee that you 've got restoration jobs .
15 ‘ 1(1) The rules and practices of the organisation must be such as to secure that its members are fit and proper persons to carry on investment business of the kind with which the organisation is concerned . …
16 ‘ 1(1) The rules and practices of the organisation must be such as to secure that its members are fit and proper persons to carry on investment business of the kind with which the organisation is concerned . …
17 Reference was made to Gloag on Contract ( 2nd edn ) , pp 617 and 618 , which respectively state : ‘ Stipulations as to time of payment are not treated as material conditions of the contract , except in very special cases ’ , and , ‘ [ The ] question is whether the conduct of the party in default is such as to indicate that he intends to repudiate his contractual obligations . ’
18 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
19 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
20 Installation has also been improved with the provision of a wider range of up-to-date device drivers — but it is still worth checking that your particular video , printer or digitiser is supported .
21 The case , Cohen v. Cowles Media Co. , arose from the attempt of Dan Cohen , a Minnesota political operative , to sue two of the state 's largest newspapers for revealing that he had leaked information to them .
22 Mrs Lemass made it clear where she stood by using a press conference in London at the launch of the sixth BDA week in October 1987 , for announcing that her committee would be calling on the European Parliament , the European Commission and the Council of Ministers to waive all opposition to the use of sign language and to demand official recognition within the EC .
23 Just after the war began the prime minister was asked by a Conservative backbencher to condemn the BBC for announcing that it would avoid calling British troops ‘ our troops ’ .
24 He lost his old job as vice-president in July after suggesting that his boss , Samuel Doe , should resign to stop the country 's civil war .
25 She threatened not to turn up and only agreed after demanding that her mother Susan Barrantes and sister Jane Makim should be allowed to join her .
26 ‘ I had already established my own gallery in an old ironmongers in Porthmadog , after realising that there was a market for prints of original paintings .
27 William of Jumièges , elaborated by William of Poitiers , reports that Edward set sail with forty ships , crossed to Southampton , defeated a large English force , and returned to Normandy after realising that he needed more men to obtain the kingdom .
28 He was a great lover of country sports — but only after seeing that his business was running efficiently did he allow himself to relax and seek pleasure with his gun , his rod or on horseback .
29 I found , after experimenting that I did not need any glycerine at all as I managed to get the colour to work well with just a smudge from the wet brush .
30 Often I felt so full after eating that I had to lie down or drag myself to lectures , feeling as though I 'd just eaten three Christmas dinners .
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