Example sentences of "[adj] might not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these would have included the suggestion that sleeping prone might not be safe for babies .
2 But then I thought this might not be understood by many people , and also , by the time it got to the Augean Bulls and the Birds of Stymphalus , it would be a little recondite for people like Terry Coleman . ’
3 Hovering in the doorway , Wilson heard Mr Browning plead with her to say something to him and then she listened while he tried to make out a case for the French Emperor , to argue this might not be the betrayal it seemed , and that all hope might not be lost .
4 This might not be so bad after all .
5 Thermal mass was discussed and applied and many entrants appreciated that this might not be appropriate for those parts of the building having only occasional use .
6 She seemed unwilling to acknowledge that this might not be wise and would be bound to cause her parents concern .
7 As saloons go , this might not be the most accomplished around but it is the most different , especially on the inside .
8 In many circumstances this might not be a problem , but if you are at all keen on the subject and a little more experienced in circuit design and assembly , you may well wish to make another board or perhaps modify the circuit ( and probably the p.c.b .
9 Douglas hoped to surprise the castle sufficiently to gain access ; but he recognised that however much of a surprise , this might not be possible , for it was a fairly strong place , not a major fortalice but moated and walled , with drawbridge , gatehouse , portcullis and the rest .
10 If you have entered many competitions and never won a thing , this might not be because your work is poor .
11 But she would still be a traitor to grief , watching and listening , even as she spoke the formal words of condolence , for the flicker of an eyelid , the tensing of hands and face muscles , for the unwise word , for any sign that for someone in that waiting house in Campden Hill Square this might not be news at all .
12 But field staff fear that this might not be appreciated in head-quarters where senior officials might be unfamiliar with their routine strategies : ‘ One can say that because you have n't taken any stats in the last two years it 's because you 're a good lad , and people who you may have to take stats upon know that you 're around a lot , and they know that if they 're naughty it 's a two-edged thing , you can look at it two ways . ’
13 However , from a social psychological point of view this might not be the most interesting contrast .
14 This might not be sufficient if the guest who strayed into the storeroom and was injured could not read English .
15 He takes me aside a couple of times and begins in a soft Welsh lilt : ‘ I was thinking , now this might not be a good idea and tell me straight away if you do n't like it … ’
16 By itself this might not be a bad thing , but elderly inmigration has tended to be accompanied by youthful outmigration , leading to a deteriorating age-sex structure .
17 However it is clear that some advice is necessary about those situations in which this might not be possible .
18 Tallboy knew just enough of the probable training of youth workers to feel this might not be quite what the social studies lecturer had said .
19 At the end of the day , this might not be possible , but it 's important that we explore all the avenues . ’
20 This might not be her fault .
21 Rory , this might not be on , we might have to — ’
22 Clearly this might not be a task that can be undertaken with any great degree of precision .
23 Earlier than most Americans he saw that this might not be possible without some American involvement .
24 Although the regulatory rules are subject to judicial review and the control of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and , in the case of SROs , the SIB , this might not be adequate ; ( 2 ) It may lead to an uneven playing field by virtue of differences in the treatment of different authorised persons .
25 I mean this might not be a good time to chat about it .
26 The main problem is that if one has a licensing arrangement with a company in a politically sensitive area then , for one reason or another , royalties due might not be paid .
27 That it never seems boring is due first , of course , to the richness of the youthful Mozart 's music ; but given the fantastical convolutions of the story even that might not be enough .
28 That might not be a bit of harm ! ’ they smiled back .
29 Now that might not be such a bad thing .
30 That might not be a problem to arable farmers or larger livestock men , but it will rule out the small livestock farm .
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