Example sentences of "[adj] over a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A LONDONDERRY school head has called ‘ foul ’ over dog owners who allow their pets to run free over a play area .
2 Huge lakes of oil , some over a mile square and up to a metre deep , are persisting in the Kuwaiti desert , taking over from the oil fires as the most serious threat to the country 's environment .
3 Other changes in structure developed more slowly , but although the pattern looked different over a period of a few years , analogues of the basic groups seem to have been present ever since the phenomenon of the contemporary football fan arose in the middle to late 1960s .
4 Company spokesman John Dodds said the investment would be staggered over a period of time and would not necessarily mean a glut of vacancies in Darlington .
5 If you choose to abandon formality ( 'Why do n't we discuss this over a drink ? ' ) then you are playing high status in that you 're taking this decision , and allowing the other person perhaps to rise above their station .
6 It 's been like this over a number of issues ever since the children were small , but it 's got worse since they 've been teenagers .
7 When you can get choice of them , if they 're going for forty over a piece !
8 It catalogued ‘ positively dangerous ’ work practices , poor management , inadequate training and supervision and inherent weakness in the safety culture of BR in a list of 16 separate ‘ relevant errors ’ where things had gone wrong over a number of years .
9 Graphical treatment suggests that this effect is linear over an interval between the blackout and whiteout points , or possibly a curve with a fairly large radius of curvature .
10 The following graphs suggest the same behaviour as for the intensity — roughly linear over an interval , possibly a power or exponential .
11 Too much sunlight might impress upon me the idea of how much more agreeable it would be out of doors rather than hunched over a sheet of almost blank paper .
12 A particular scene appeared before her eyes : her father is sitting hunched over a pile of torn photographs , and Agnes 's sister is shouting at him : ‘ Why have you torn up Mother 's pictures ?
13 There is , for example , no Annie 's Bar where we may gossip with the mighty over a vodka — although we do have access to a well-stocked cafeteria , where the waitresses are uncommonly polite .
14 Later , the project was able to borrow a more advanced flux-gate magnetometer and the preliminary conclusions from Rodney Hale , an experienced electronics engineer , as a result of further work , are that there is a magnetic field within the circle which fluctuates relative to that outside over a period of hours .
15 But drinking too much over a period of months or years damages far more than the nervous system .
16 If you are unsuccessful over a period of time there 's always a chance you will part company . ’
17 Security becomes important when files are accessible over a network .
18 Making the bend in a bamboo stick is surprisingly easy over a candle flame or similar , but be careful not to burn it at this vital centre point of the kite !
19 The Test of Professional Competence , for building surveyors , first introduced in 1973 , has remained unchanged over a period during which many other changes both technological and sociological have taken place within the Division .
20 The loans would be repayable over a period of 20 years at 3.5 per cent interest .
21 Rudolph Ackermann issued some fifty books with coloured plates , including the well-known Repository of Arts , Literature , Commerce , Manufacture , and Politics , which appeared monthly over a period of nearly twenty years .
22 We passed giant slabs of ice which had buckled up into a cracked swelling over a rock and saw ice discs spinning on the surface of the water like root-less lily pads .
23 The cause of deterioration is mainly due to the covering becoming thin and brittle because of weathering i.e. the action of heat and cold over a period of time .
24 This proved difficult and Josef Vissarionovich had to be blown up little by little over a period of two weeks .
25 The position of the Central Authority was strong : they were responsible for the Boards as a whole breaking-even over a period of years ; their approval was required for capital and current expenditure ; and they raised the capital and controlled the reserves and bank-balances of the Boards .
26 so erm I do n't er I would n't see the point in being too confrontational over an issue like that .
27 By using examples taken at random over a period of years the following list has been assembled :
28 We may explain the fact that the production units of a particular industry have grown larger over a period of time by appealing to the economies this yields , and in doing so claim that a cause ( increase in scale ) occurred because of its propensity to have a certain effect ( economies of scale ) .
29 Allowing each of two groups to choose some part of the law of abortion , in proportion to their numbers , is fairer ( in our sense ) than the winner-take-all scheme our instincts prefer , which denies many people any influence at all over an issue they think desperately important .
30 That 's well over a second quicker than the Integrale , just under a second in front of Ford 's Sapphire Cosworth 4x4 and neck and neck with BMW 's masterful M5 .
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