Example sentences of "[adj] way to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Is there some way to be found out for my escape , without danger to yourself ?
2 Was that not the whole burden of his song , that nature needed in some way to be put to rights , and that it was man 's job to see it was put to rights ?
3 But you have to have some level of arousal has to be something pumping round you round your blood your brain has to be working in some way to be able to perform .
4 ‘ If you can not find another way to be in touch in my absence , ’ said Taheb , ‘ use my steward .
5 As for the doorstep survey , this was carried out in order to generalize about the speech of the city as a whole , and in this way to be able to describe modifications to the vernacular that might be of general import .
6 It is reasonable that the Insured should bear the loss when an item is discovered in this way to be defective for use in ordinary working conditions .
7 We have found DNA prepared this way to be immediately suitable for most laboratory procedures : both single and double-stranded sequencing reactions , restriction enzyme digestion , ligation , and for transfection of eukaryotic cells using lipofectin ( data submitted but not shown ) .
8 He knew that was the wrong way to be , she ought to try to eat .
9 Normally , the king would expect to pay the holder of fief-rente wages as well ; he was thus half way to being a mercenary .
10 ( a ) There is usually no real way to be sure that the piece of equipment devised is adequate for the purpose unless of course it is a straight copy of an existing commercial model .
11 The only authentic way to be good is to be good ‘ for nothing ’ : that was to become the ringing insistence of her finest treatise , The Sovereignty of Good ( 1970 ) .
12 Oh , that 's a good way to be .
13 And then , just one final thing that Nicodemus discovered he discovered that there is only one way to be born again .
15 But you tend to think that 's what a girl should look like — blonde hair and blue eyes — and then you look in the mirror and you 've got short Afro hair , and that 's when you maybe start thinking that 's the only way to be .
16 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
17 In this case the only way to be sure is to go through the procedure of HIV testing .
18 Neither are completely reliable , and the only way to be sure of landing an effective shot is to play the odds — buy several machines !
19 For example , if the only way to be a subject is to be constituted by the existing ISAs , how are we to explain the fact that a theorist such as Connolly is so convinced of the necessity of intentional subjecthood , while Althusser views it as a contingency ?
20 The only way to be good at this job is to put everything you 've got into it .
21 She did it by careful eating and taking more exercise and , whatever anyone else tries to tell you , that is the only way to be sure of losing weight .
22 It 's the only way to be really is n't it ?
23 The only way to be .
24 It 's the only way to be Steven .
25 It 's like the attitude that you have to be good and religious , think the right thoughts , wear the right clothes , believe the right things , come from the right background , if you are in any way to be acceptable to God .
26 They are not in any way to be interpreted as qualitative judgments .
27 And the need for audience contact I found particularly important because if you get feedback from the audience looking them in the eye involving them then you 're able to know how your talk is progressing and whether you need to modify it in any way to be able to maintain the audience 's interest .
28 I do n't wan na say that 's the right way to be honest
29 The two suitcases represented everything she thought she would need for the next seven months at the Hamiltons ' , and it seemed like an odd way to be taking what might be a big step in her life .
30 The realities of being in a situation where you ca n't choose your employment , which is an awful way to be when you do n't have any skills and you have to take whatever is dished out … there 's nothing worse than having to take what 's available .
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