Example sentences of "[adj] one might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile their parents — and wives — turn back to the only resource over which they do have some control , and produce more children : hoping against hope that this one might stay and help with the work on the land , or that one might be lucky enough to get an education and a job sufficiently secure and well-paid to bring security for all the family .
2 From this one might interpret ecclesiastical coinage as money originally minted for pious purposes , for alms and perhaps for tithe , which then moved into general circulation in a society in which many different types of coinage were accepted .
3 To this one might add the comment that racism can compound the difficulties where Afro-Caribbean or Asian care assistants receive racist comments in their work from residents ( Norman , 1987b ) .
4 He borrowed a guitar half-way through the band 's set at Leeds ' Astoria Centre and announced to the audience : ‘ This one might sound a bit strange , the dots on the neck are in a different place . ’
5 In view of this one might consider presenting language as lexical units , both as single words and as complex packages , and then creating contexts which constrain the gradual elaboration of the first , the gradual analysis of the second .
6 ‘ Imagine ’ , Du Camp reports him as saying , ‘ the capital one might have made out of certain incidents .
7 The McCormick organisation has not been slow to seize on this fact and in future one might suppose that the Hierarchy will have learned from this .
8 Taking the radical students ' ideals at face-value one might have expected them to see this incident as yet another example of oppression by a fascist regime and protest against it — after all , they protested enough when it used such methods against its own people .
9 The only way to reply to a rude challenge must be an affected brightness of spirit however drenched and uncomfortable one might feel .
10 Er and therefore it looks at erm the indirect impact of development erm and it 's it 's more sophisticated one might say than merely looking at the quality of the land .
11 In Ata'i one might note the careers of six scholars as exceptions , in three of which the subjects changed careers under rather special circumstances , while in the other three Ata'i merely notes the change without comment .
12 From such comments as these one might infer that the British were anxious to buy time until the Soviets acquired sufficient nuclear power to persuade Washington to become more cautious .
13 I mean people do n't always agree on what evidence means ; they do n't always agree on what is the best thing to do , erm and I 've developed the idea that it 's possible to do an evaluation that I like to call divergent in the sense that there might be several different things that one might do as a result of it .
14 It 's the sort of question that a man and a woman might very well give different answers to , but it seems to me that there are different sorts of things that erm some women tend to notice , different sorts of ideas that tend to assume prominence in the imaginations of some women , and erm to that extent I think that George Eliot 's sympathy for other people , including people that she does n't actually agree with , is perhaps a characteristic that one might tend to find more in a women novelist than in a male novelist , although I 'm not sure that one can be absolutely dogmatic and say that one would never find a male novelist who could write the way that George Eliot does .
15 I had another good horse , and I thought well I 'll stick with that one , I think that one might stand a chance .
16 Er one wonders how on earth they speak to each other , or if indeed they even know who each other is or where their offices are and there is n't that personal relationship that one might expect to find in the normal concept of a legal firm and indeed er without clearly we go to off the point somewhat to have a discussion as to whether or not er a partnership is a suitable legal entity for these people to trade under .
17 I think that some people may not realise fully too is that in order to make a decision you have to be full informed , and teachers are very busy people and a teacher really is spending nearly every moment of his day either teaching or preparing to teach , and it 's impossible , therefore , to establish in a school or a community college the faculty committee structure that one might have in a university , where people do probably spend some time informing themselves before debate .
18 My , see if we can find a pen or something , that one might work , lean on the table cos it 'll be easier
19 Cos I mean , that again is something that that one might put into the into the tent or something .
20 in a sense that one might call women of the generation before yours mother , I 'm not sure .
21 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
22 However , once started on this track it may seem difficult to keep clear of rigorism , for it is unclear how the good one might have done but did not can be discounted from the things prevented by what one did instead .
23 They think , perhaps , more in terms of what knowledge and skills they would hope to find in a secondary school entrant rather than of those one might expect from a child who had successfully completed a primary school course .
24 Thus far one might think that , in applying the £20,000 limit on which the three-quarters compensation is to be paid , attention is to be focused simply on all the outstanding United Kingdom sterling deposits made by a particular depositor .
25 As an instance of the former one might cite the case of Molla Ahmad b .
26 In general one might say that Law has become marginally less distinct from other subjects than it was in that quite a few people are doing cross disciplinary research , e.g. in law and economics and law and society .
27 The geographical one might contain words like ’ land ’ , ’ river ’ , ’ side ’ , ’ water ’ , etc. and the financial one words like ’ establishment ’ , ’ keep ’ , ’ money ’ , ’ safe ’ , etc .
28 At a simple level one might suppose that effective departments can do nothing but good .
29 Certainly the reading content of the recommended book for Class 2 in Sierra Leone which I saw being used with very young children in Freetown schools is far above the average reading level one might expect for six-year-olds in London who speak English , not Creole , at home .
30 You might do I do erm red one might fade a bit I do n't know .
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