Example sentences of "[adj] people from [be] " in BNC.

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1 So it effectively disenfranchises unemployed , long term unemployed people from being active in that section .
2 Protection of ‘ reasonable people from being made fools of ’ was ‘ essential if members of the public are to have the justified confidence to invest in productive enterprise through the wider range of opportunities now available to them ’ .
3 This is an area which is only susceptible to research via detailed investigation which , however it is carried out , certainly can not be in terms of the ‘ normality ’ of disabled people , since its concerns must be to explicate the kinds and degrees of difference between the needs of impaired people and the general population , and with the multifarious features of ‘ normal ’ social life which prevent disabled people from being ‘ normal ’ .
4 Again the emphasis is on primary prevention of the misuse of drugs and on preventing young people from being drawn in .
5 The producer of the programme , Jack Barton , felt that ‘ if the viewers could accept Nina and her disabilities , there was a chance of chipping away at some of the old prejudices that stand to prevent mentally handicapped people from being accepted in the community . ’
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