Example sentences of "[adj] also [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This also results in better defined density for the β -hairpin of the A monomer .
2 However this also depends on the chosen memory structure for the lexicon .
3 The above abuses have an effect on the quality of the nutritional intake of the unborn child , and this also extends to other nutritional aspects .
4 Much has been made of the ‘ feminine shape ’ of My Bloody Valentine 's music , and this also extends to the ‘ wombadelia ’ of Spiritualized and the neutered fumblings of the shoe-gazers and much of the second division of indie rock .
5 This also happens with hand planes : it can be sanded away at the finishing stage .
6 Incidentally this also happens to be the most difficult part of the instrument 's compass from the point of view of fingering .
7 The male fish develops extended filaments on the dorsal fin , while the caudal fin develops elongated filaments at both tips and in the middle of the tail , giving a forked appearance ( this also happens in the female but not to such a degree ) .
8 This also occurs in other Sterculiaceae , notably Sterculia chicha .
9 This also occurs among marmosets and squirrel monkeys .
10 From Wiggen there is a postbus service to Marbach and Schangnau ( Official Timetable No 460. 50 ) and this also continues along the road which turns off sharply left at Schangnau , leading along the bank of the Emme to Bumbach and Kemmeriboden .
11 Though neither the interactionists nor Foucault make much of the point ( the first leaning towards an essentialist view of gender , the latter showing little theoretical interest in the issue ) , this also points to the importance of categorisation along lines of gender ; the construction , in other words , of categories of masculinity and femininity , building on obvious biological differences , but reinforcing these through ideology and various social practices .
12 This also refers to the touch judges .
13 This also applies to bodybuilders who need to reduce body fat .
14 ( This also applies to the Stage I V8 ) .
15 This also applies to editing changes made in the window .
16 Remember that this also applies to young children playing with small toys like marbles with older brothers or sisters .
17 This also applies to rabbits that may be injured .
18 This also applies to everything else in your life .
19 This also applies to children , employees and even employers .
20 This also applies to owners taking over responsibility from defaulting tenants , and finance houses taking back property from mortgagors .
21 This also applies to most central heating systems .
22 This also applies to the media .
23 There were , of course , many tribes in the Midlands and south-west that had no direct contact with Caesar and this also applies to the Atrebates and the Regini on the south coast of modern Sussex and Hampshire .
24 This also applies to the Cheesewring Quarry , which seems to have had a higher than normal accident rate in the past few years .
25 This also applies to door panels .
26 In addition ( and this also applies to tutorial CAI ) the user is given no help in forming a global picture of what the program can achieve .
27 ( This also applies to LEAs who have equally taken issue with HMI reports on their provision of education . )
28 This also applies to rural areas that are under immediate pressure from urban expansion .
29 Within the brain it is usually only 1 mm or less , but the cell bodies of the neurons that bring information to the brain from the skin lie close to the spinal cord , so in a whale or dinosaur the dendrites could be 10,000 mm long , and this also applies to the axons of the motor fibres , which carry commands from the spinal cord telling the muscles to contract .
30 This also applies to low risk patients , who need not participate in formal programmes but can perform exercises at home with the help of rehabilitation manuals and audiotapes .
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