Example sentences of "[adj] did [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not until around 1540 did undertakings begin to proliferate , and even then the work was never a whole-time occupation , production being organised in ‘ campaigns ’ lasting from two to six months , mainly in winter when the rains swelled the streamlets and filled the ponds which powered the furnace bellows and the tilt-hammers of the forges .
2 Not until he was five years old did Endill meet him for the first time .
3 1 Can you remember any particular books you liked when you were very young ( before you started Juniors ) ? 2 What were they ? 3 How much can you remember about them ? 4 What was good about them ? 5 Do you have any especially happy memories about reading in those days ? 6 Or any especially unhappy memories ? 7 Did learning to write help your reading ? 8 Talk about your first experiences of reading with a friend and write down all the things you can remember .
4 Only after Sigibert 's murder in 575 did Chilperic gain permanent control of the city , whereupon Leudast regained his old office .
5 If she felt the presence of a man she had never known here in this house , just how much did Marguerite feel his presence and just how much did she need it at this time ?
6 How much did people pay for secondhand books ?
7 Not until the collapse of Ussher 's project in 1626 did Calandrini reside in Stableford Abbots .
8 ( Or were some people very quiet ? ) 4 Did people listen to what other people were saying ? 5 Did everyone understand clearly what they had to do ? 6 How did the group agree on its answer ? 7 How did everyone feel about the answer that was agreed ? 8 Was it an equal group , or did someone act as a boss ?
9 Not until the 1760s did Britain begin to live down her reputation ( based on the violence of the period 1640–1714 ) as an inveterately turbulent and factious country where almost anything could happen .
10 But not until the 1970s did planners recognise precious qualities in the mature suburb , the best of which are now conservation areas .
11 Not until September 1339 did Edward feel able to move .
12 Least of all did Alain begrudge Lauda his third title .
13 Only towards the end of 1992 did IBM start to make overtures towards the lower end of the PC market with its revamped PS/1 series and Value — Point range .
14 Less and less did Nonconformists like to have it said of them as was said of the Primitive Methodist evangelist and erstwhile coal-miner , James Flanagan , ‘ He waited not for an abundance of knowledge but used what he possessed ’ .
15 Only in 1987 did SUFRAMA begin to promote exports .
16 Little did Jean realise it , as she prepared to set off to church at Caterham , Surrey , for the funeral of her lifetime partner and soulmate , but the first clue to his free-spending secret life had plopped through the letterbox that very morning .
17 With neither did Baldwin establish very easy relations .
18 Neither did Liza have any idea that she had also inherited from Tom Tremayne the convenient ability of closing her mind to unpalatable truths .
19 Only after that did Palestinians begin stoning the police and Jewish worshippers at the Wailing Wall situated at the foot of the Mount .
20 In vain did North point out that he had worked , always , on the third floor of the Old Executive Office Building ( ’ the only third-floor basement in Washington ’ ) .
21 Not until 1926 did servicing catch up with urgent repair needs .
22 Only during the 1980s did Korea begin to reduce its restrictions against foreign investment as an added means of linking more directly with the international system .
23 Only when they were ready did Zack open the boot of the Volvo .
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