Example sentences of "[adj] time it could " in BNC.

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1 But the negotiators , led by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan 's Jalal Talabani and including the nephew of Masoud Barzani , the leader of the Kurdish Democratic Party , claimed that this time it could all be different .
2 Sybase has done very well in financial markets and companies in Wall Street and the City , mostly because for a long time it could offer facilities such as triggers and stored procedures that Oracle could n't .
3 Sybase has done very well in financial markets and companies in Wall Street and the City , mostly because for a long time it could offer facilities such as triggers and stored procedures that Oracle could n't .
4 I 'd promised my mother I 'd buy her some new central-heating , and the only time it could be fitted was the next week , so I needed to be home for Monday when the workmen came round .
5 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
6 Local residents again pointed out that so far all the dust that had blown had come from one three-acre section of the lake : ‘ The worry is that if it 's not attended to and if the entire 150 acres rise up and start blowing at the same time it could be a national disaster .
7 The moral is clear : when gustiness is getting near to the limit for safe flying , assume that at any time it could suddenly increase .
8 At any time it could turn into a strident chorus , a demand for humanity .
9 He 's already lost the sight of his left eye because cocaine starved the retina of blood , and he 's damn lucky not to be totally blind , or even dead , because the next time it could constrict the arteries of his heart or block the blood from reaching his brain .
10 Or next time it could be Robin-Anne .
11 It 's a false alarm , but next time it could be a burglar .
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