Example sentences of "[adj] few [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She spent a pleasant few minutes thinking of her small business where she designed and made exclusive wedding gowns for a rapidly growing circle of customers , but Dana 's early-morning phone call refused to be dismissed .
2 Mind you , I am under few illusions : it is probably boredom in the short-term few months job I have found , and worry as it is , in real terms , a lot less than half my old salary .
3 ‘ I had hoped to make it this week , but it is still a bit sore and , with the British Open in mind , I felt another few days rest would be a safer precaution . ’
4 In another few months Nahum could see he would have to resign his Governorship , if only to save the expense of his weekly journeys by train .
5 In those fearful few moments hands clutched good-luck charms and lips moved in unashamed prayer , until the clunk of the undercarriage as it folded into the belly of the aircraft told them they had made it .
6 Of particular importance to the family was the proximity of the synagogue itself , a mere few minutes walk through the park .
7 Over the previous few years capitalists had been hit by the European wage explosions and a general worsening of industrial relations .
8 Maybe she was being foolish in placing so much importance on those brief few words she- and Billy had exchanged in the park .
9 After a long few seconds Karelius said , ‘ I can see it 's no use trying to convince you of the way I feel .
10 For those few moments life seemed not to be quite the noisome beast it had become of late — the pale November sun was a warming coin in the palm , fear was forgotten , bloodshed cleansed away , losses solaced .
11 In those few moments Bert Rafferty saved Celia Carrow 's life .
12 In those few seconds Athelstan realised the depth of his own arrogance .
13 Ryan had come along just a few weeks after they took the braces off her teeth and the tits started to look like something ; in those few weeks Jo had had more attention from boys than she could handle .
14 He had his eyes closed , and for the first few moments Belinda kept hers open , so she could see in extreme close-up the blurred crescents of his dark lashes resting on the smoothly tanned skin of his cheeks .
15 IN the first few minutes Armagh could have opened the scoring when Eugene Mullan was forced to pull off a string of good saves .
16 However , in the first few years groups did not appear to consider fundraising a priority .
17 With Lindsey 's Corsair being the only one of its type in Europe , airshow organisers had to approach him if they wanted a Corsair in their flying display , and for the first few years John Allison and Lindsey flew all over Europe with the aircraft .
18 For the first few years Blackpool 's trams represented the only practical example in the World , of electric tramcars running in crowded thoroughfares .
19 During the first few days people left their houses for fear of being bombed by Pippo , but quite soon he became part of our lives and we did n't bother about him any more .
20 To play a part in the problems of geology over the next few decades geomorphologists must forget their trivial catchments and see mega forests instead of trees …
21 Over the next few decades community life-style in Britain is likely to become increasingly diverse .
22 During the next few decades chlorine is expected to increase then decrease , while CO 2 is expected to increase continuously .
23 Over the next few minutes Wickham learned that MacQuillan had not wanted to leave Barron in control anywhere , that Maureen and Barron had been and still were jockeying for position and that Maureen had enlisted Hunter-Blair 's support .
24 In the next few weeks Karen and Drew spent a lot of time together .
25 But within the next few weeks labourers will start digging the foundations for a plant at Gwithian , on Cornwall 's northern shore , which will produce about 500 tonnes of tin per year .
26 In the next few weeks Anne and Marilla worked hard together on the farm and in the house .
27 Over the next few weeks Avril and Peter , a Royal Mail executive , gradually got to know each other , but they remained just good friends .
28 The manuscript , however , was not entirely ready for publication , " and during the next few weeks Nietzsche submitted it to a final revision .
29 In the next few weeks advertisements will appear for a chief executive who , if all goes to plan , will have a year to run themselves in and have a real say in building the new institution .
30 During the next few weeks Mr Utterson spent many hours in the narrow street where Enfield had seen Hyde .
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