Example sentences of "[adj] who [vb past] not " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , it was Rousseau 's conviction that no one could be truly free who did not govern him/herself , and that therefore only some kind of direct democracy provided the framework within which government and freedom could be reconciled .
2 He was one of the few who did n't give the company a song .
3 Yet there are few who did n't recoil from the chill of The Silence of the Lambs or feel a sense of bleakness as JFK unfurled its theories .
4 But , as a two-time General Election loser — and a perceived drag on his own party 's prospects — there were few who did not concede that his career at the top of British politics was at an end .
5 Knowing both men as well as I did , I was one of the few who did not think there would be any major friction between them — both men were far too smart for that-but I did think Niki would find himself struggling for a primacy which he had long taken for granted .
6 And more to die before the firing squad , and few who did not wear the gold rings of the officers to escape the penalty of imprisonment .
7 There are probably still some children who are never allowed to see the genitals of the opposite sex as small children , but Freud found , even among upper-class children , that there were few who did not manage a way to see the genitals of the opposite sex before they were five or six years old .
8 We were glad we 'd probably be seeing him again some time , unlike some who had n't got out while the going was good .
9 There were wan smiles on the faces of some who did not think it was possible .
10 We found some workers who deliberately controlled levels of output and some who did not ; we found varied social mechanisms for controlling output .
11 And some who did not even know of the movie 's existence , who were not even born when it was made , are dead too , or mutilated , or orphaned …
12 Now , there were some who did n't drink , not many , and some who would n't drink , and Joicey always benefited from them all .
13 A record number of students took A-levels this year , but cuts in funding for popular university subjects such as arts and social sciences means some who did n't quite get the required grades may not get in .
14 A record number of students took A-levels this year , but cuts in funding for popular university subjects such as arts and social sciences means some who did n't quite get the required grades may not get in .
15 He pushed that from his mind , and his mind filled instead with the face of a lad on a bicycle who 'd once been friendly , and the face of another who did n't mind playing Find the Penny in the hut on the golf-course .
16 It is easy now to regard this wonder at an enemy 's humanity as naïve , but as it is the business of war to foster the naïveté on which it thrives , so there can have been few people in England during the isolation years of 1940–42 who did not take the impersonal nature of their enemy for granted .
17 Of the remaining 7 who did not have repeat coronary arteriography there was acute resolution of the ST segment elevation in 4 .
18 William Whitelaw believes , however , that there were no abstainers : the six who did not vote were either too far away to present themselves at Westminster , or they were ill .
19 One hundred and sixty Old Boys a very substantial proportion had volunteered before conscription was introduced , and many more thereafter , and the names of the fifty-two who did not return were to be recorded on the School 's War Memorial .
20 ‘ There were two or three who did n't have any remorse ; these people I did n't feel comfortable with .
21 If he 'd just been trying to clear the hell out , then it meant there were probably other FAKINTIL escapers at large who had n't been able to make it back to the mountains either .
22 Aged residents were suddenly objects of pilgrimage from such far-off places as America , and soon there were few people over sixty who did not have some hastily dusted-down anecdote , remembered , borrowed or adjusted , ready for eager visitors .
23 I feel sad for all who did n't attend and for those who do n't even have the chance to attend something similar .
24 Crowds of people , including many who had n't been to a church for years , came to hear him .
25 Many who did not object to this in principle disliked the high-handed way it was adopted .
26 This meant that the troublemakers , including many who did not want to come to Great Engeham in the first place , were given a pretty free run .
27 Charles was essentially a shopkeeper and pig butcher ; he turned his waste animal fats into tallow candles — a foul-smelling process at best — to sell to those who chose not to make their own , and also kept up a bit of a sideline in cheese — a product for which the area was , of course , justifiably famous .
28 By implication , of course , those who chose not to become part of the ‘ generalized other ’ were less than fully developed .
29 The Jacobite cause fell and the indecisive Prince with it , but there were those who fought not for the Stuarts , but for their country .
30 Promoting her new movie Forever Young , she quizzed reporters to see if they had watched the film — and vetoed interviews with those who had n't .
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