Example sentences of "[adj] will [verb] one " in BNC.

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1 If noise pollution is made a more clearly identifiable criminal offence , this will prove one of the rare occasions on which hard cases have generated a much-needed law .
2 We think this will take one or two hours , but not very long .
3 Of the 35,000 who have been accepted , about 26,000 are expected to be at the start and these will include one of Britain 's most famous athletes , David Bedford , who has slimmed down for his first big race since he retired 11 years ago .
4 Many of these will include one or more of the intended words .
5 BBC 's Radio 1 will get one of the new national networks .
6 As a principle 1 will take one minute to communicate with my people , explaining why their urgent problem will have to be dealt with tomorrow . "
7 As to timescales , I have estimated that Project 1 will take one year full-time equivalent , and Project 2 will take three years full-time equivalent .
8 ‘ But something definite will happen one way or the other in the next 48 hours . ’
9 Two will play one .
10 The mystery is a quotation from the creation narrative , ‘ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife , and the two will become one flesh ’ ( Eph. 5:31 quoting Gen. 2:24 ) .
11 ‘ Have n't you read , ’ Jesus replied , ‘ that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female , and said , ‘ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife , and the two will become one flesh ’ ?
12 Money raised by runners for Birthright in 1990 will fund one of its research projects for about 12 months .
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