Example sentences of "[adj] would [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Not a faded but once , surely , glorious hero like Daddy Ni to whom Elfed would give his best chair in the house : nor Ifor , the new male fixed point in young Rich 's universe .
2 This was something which the English would do their utmost to prevent happening .
3 Those people who were interested would read them
4 First , from a politico-military point of view they can not possibly win , since nobody sensible would allow anything to be changed by force at the end of the twentieth century .
5 ‘ … considered that a casual with a skilled trade may have his efficiency seriously impaired by being required to break stones and may , in order to avoid this task , feel compelled to sleep out or to commit some other offence against the law ; that it is impossible to expect the officer in charge of a casual ward to discriminate between men for whom the task would or would not be suitable , and that this would lay him open to accusations of favouritism or vindictiveness ; that the task could rarely be made a profitable one , and is repugnant to the class of workers most liable to unemployment , being looked upon by them as having penal associations and as entirely deterrent . ’ )
6 A few weeks of this would set him up .
7 Meanwhile , the Whips pursued the government in the hope of catching them out in a snap vote ; at the least this would disrupt their progress and there seemed an outside chance that the government would tire of the interminable pressure and throw in the sponge .
8 We get a glimpse of it when Curtis argues , in support of his view that America should have Near Eastern mandates , that this would place her advantageously for the regeneration of post-revolutionary Russia ; as ‘ steward of the Near East ’ , she could ‘ extend to the blind giant the neighbourly hand of a friendship which is open to no suspicion ’ .
9 Thirdly , there is the possibility that abnormalities judged by us to be psychotic in afunctional sense were actually due to organic brain diseases unrecognised at the time ; for reasons discussed previously this would rule them out of court for our purposes .
10 He refused to co-operate and was told he was ‘ letting the school down ’ and given an indication that this would affect his school report , ‘ and that 's when I realized that I was only acknowledged for my sporting ability . ’
11 So this would affect your father then ?
12 This would lead us to begin with the logical and data transfer operations of 2.3 and 2.4 .
13 This would lead us to look not just at the ‘ outputs ’ from institutions , but at the ‘ inputs ’ , and at the achievements of students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving success , as well as those who could be expected to perform well on the basis of their previous academic achievements .
14 Discussion of this would lead us into great complexity and it is appropriate to give a largely phenomenological description .
15 This would bring us to something akin to the fundamental propositions of science .
16 He himself spent hours in the chapel reserved for cadets , praying to the image of Rogal Dorn , and to the Emperor , attempting to recapture the moment when he had flown through fire , sure that this would stand him in good stead in battle .
17 This would entitle them to sack Eurotunnel 's management , bring in new equity participation , and pull the plug on the £1bn invested by existing shareholders in the project .
18 This would slow its progress towards Europe and allow more time for negotiations .
19 You might think this would slow you up but the reverse is actually true .
20 This would leave them free to ignore the non-statutory takeover code and Stock Exchange listing rules .
21 They say this would leave them vulnerable to attack , because the UN would not let them receive arms and ammunition through the corridor .
22 This would leave you here all by yourself and I can not allow that .
23 Although he is one of the most interesting experimental writers on the contemporary American scene , Wurlitzer 's novels are not particularly humorous and this would distinguish his works from those of Sukenick , Federman , and Pynchon .
24 This would enable him to restore the foot to the proper position of function , and he would keep it like that by strapping it into a right-angle splint , with a kind of plate under the foot attached to splints up the calf .
25 Bismarck hoped this would enable him to avoid an Austro-Russian quarrel by showing that the implicit assignment of Bulgaria to a Russian sphere of influence still held good .
26 This would enable them to produce more , without a commensurate increase in effort , and thus earn a higher wage or salary .
27 If accepted , this would enable them to construct a continuation of Light Railway No. 3 from the Croydon Boundary to the centre of Croydon .
28 This would enable them to set up a business on a more settled and permanent trading basis .
29 This would enable them to recharge their yacht 's batteries equally well when sailing through the doldrums as through a gale in the North Atlantic .
30 This would enable them to " erect a price wall to deter curiosity " , claims FoE .
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