Example sentences of "[adj] have [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , many poorer countries have increased restrictions , though some have felt forced by external shocks to begin to look outwards .
2 Additional training was perceived as a need and all three have received INSET to include a wide range of information-technology skills , accountancy , advanced first aid and health and safety training .
3 If one of these have become bent , the linker can not work properly and will not be able to link off the stitch close to it , hence it drops .
4 There are success stories of companies which have used this unlisted market as the first step to the big-time , but too many have remained stuck with a quotation but no business in their shares .
5 With the possibility of recouping anything from Barclaycard , many have felt tempted to play .
6 In 1914 , just after the commencement of the First World War that many have suggested marked the beginning of the end of the old order in British society , Dicey wrote an extended introduction to the eighth edition of Law of the Constitution .
7 Most women since World War 11 have had interrupted working lives .
8 Assuming that of 100 brain damaged individuals 50 have left sided and 50 have right sided lesions , the expected upper limit for the frequency of aphasia will be 48 plus 2 , that is , 50 per cent .
9 However , when both have felt threatened by developments in the Middle East they have demonstrated their ability to work together .
10 At worst , Western politicians , and some academic and journalistic commentators , have shared the mentality of the apparatchiks , but most have remained attached to their illusions that differences between East and West were based on misunderstandings rather than fundamental disagreements .
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