Example sentences of "[adj] have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the French have been at the forefront .
2 Let us suppose that your department is keen to try investigative work ; some have been on courses ; there is access to a few ideas from books and journals ; and the main concern is how people will cope personally and pedagogically in the classroom .
3 The big dealers are really being hit as some have been under investigation for almost a year and have had their passports confiscated .
4 Many of these farm workers originally migrated from Zambia or Mozambique , but some have been in Zimbabwe for a generation or more though they have no regularized status .
5 He says they seem to regard it as a holiday and those birds that are over twelve months old have been through this before and seem to look forward to it
6 As the dole queues have lengthened , so too has the time the unemployed have been without work .
7 Of this season 's injuries , more than one in 10 have been to the life and movement threatening areas of head , neck and back .
8 While many Japanese have been in favour of close relations with the US , the opposition parties in the Diet have consistently opposed the Security Treaty .
9 Since all three have been to Tokyo and back last weekend to help Milan win the World Club Championship , they might have expected to be rested .
10 Since all three have been to Tokyo and back last weekend to help Milan win the World Club Championship , they might have expected to be rested .
11 A large proportion of dwellings constructed beyond the cities since 1960 have been in the owner-occupied sector .
12 With the limited resources available at our disposal we have not been able to build too many expert systems and most of these have been on a small scale .
13 There have been many demonstration projects , but most of these have been on a very small scale .
14 These have been on the whole successful this year with only one cancellation the Quiz Night .
15 These have been on the whole successful this year with only one cancellation the Quiz Night .
16 Erm and we would point out that er since the nineteen sixties there have been something like two hundred new stations opened erm on the rail network , the vast majority of these have been on Regional Railways .
17 The same year , the society received thirteen massive Assyrian bas-reliefs from the palace of Sardanapalus in Nineveh c.650 B.C. from James Lenox ( one of the founders of the New York Public Library ) and in 1859–60 , the Society purchased a large collection of Egyptian art ( featuring several mummified bulls ) from British physician Dr Henry Abbott for $60,000 ( since 1937 , these have been at the Brooklyn Museum , which purchased them from Flemish the Historical Society in 1978 ) .
18 However , the papers will have been sent out and hopefully these have been of interest .
19 Worms are a staple diet and these have been in short supply due to the summer drought .
20 And they usually occur in popular locations , while these have been in very remote areas ’ .
21 The first 4 of these have been in existence for a long time .
22 These have been in US custody since May awaiting White House approval to seek an indictment of the Marcoses .
23 This has not in itself created a culture and ideology of consumerism ; for these have been in place for at least the last century and perhaps longer in the First World and among comprador classes elsewhere .
24 There are old records for every month except August and September , but the records since 1946 have been for April ( one ) , May ( one ) , June ( two ) , October ( four ) , November ( 13 ) , and December ( one ) .
25 On the economic front , changes in the economy and labour needs since the 1970s have been among the factors encouraging modification of this rigid system .
26 It 's the trend which has switched the emphasis to keeping you on court — rather than being forced off it , as many have been at my club in recent seasons .
27 b ) How many have been to Trinidad but not Jamaica ?
28 c ) How many have been to both ?
29 How many have been on a on a training course before ?
30 They love their jobs ( many have been with us well over four years ) and learning with them is fun .
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