Example sentences of "[adj] were [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 The large families in class V were born of ignorance and fear of sex and contraception , and of reluctance to discuss them by parents .
2 The double-axe was an everyday implement , and yet the great majority of those that survive were intended for ritual use ; some were made of very thin sheet bronze , some were very large , some were very small , some were made of lead or of soft stone .
3 The double-axe was an everyday implement , and yet the great majority of those that survive were intended for ritual use ; some were made of very thin sheet bronze , some were very large , some were very small , some were made of lead or of soft stone .
4 The principal transitions from one phase of people 's life to another were thought of as crises and as a result the community to which they belonged assisted with the appropriate rituals .
5 This not merely scattered them but wreaked havoc on the transports which had got out of harbour ; 12 were sunk of which seven went down with all on board .
6 The Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six were convicted of separate incidents of bombing pubs frequented by soldiers in the early 1970s as part of an IRA campaign .
7 Of 133 battalions of infantry in the Spanish army in 1751 twenty-eight were composed of foreigners ; and it was seriously proposed in that year to raise twenty more abroad .
8 Roadblocks were set up throughout Lima , and an estimated 15,000 people were reportedly arrested for questioning , although the Interior Minister Augustín Mantilla confirmed that none of these were suspected of direct involvement in the attack .
9 These were made of white , mouldcast , salt-glazed stoneware with spouts resembling the open mouth of a fish , while the handle looked like a fish 's tail .
10 These were made of steel and popular after the 12th century with the advent of full body armour .
11 In his subsequent report to Barr most of these were cleared of any wrongdoing .
12 It is noteworthy that , of the remaining 58 charged with rape or attempted rape , only 35 were convicted of these offences .
13 It also occurred in the case of the Paratroopers , who were acquitted of the rape charge ( though not all were acquitted of all sexual offences ) after a woman soldier had entered the men 's barracks alone .
14 All were accused of corrupt or illegal practices , mostly involving the distribution of food , drinks or money to voters .
15 Matthew Paris says that he convicted innumerable monks and laymen , nobles and commoners , on a multitude of indictments for breaches of the Forest law , and , in order to enrich the king , imposed such heavy penalties on the offenders that many were flung into prison , many were despoiled of all their goods and were forced to eke out a bare existence in misery , and many others became exiles and wandering beggars .
16 Defenders of a traditional cosmology simply could not allow that the earth was made from the same materials as the planets , for the latter were composed of a fifth element not found in the corruptible , sublunar world .
17 In certain regiments , however , qualifications beyond the strictly medical were demanded of the surgeons , for in Highland regiments knowledge of the Gaelic language appears to have been more seriously demanded of medical officers than of the combatant officers .
18 Three US members of Congress visiting Peking on Sept. 2-4 were accused of " illegal activities " and of staging " a premeditated anti-Chinese farce " when they displayed a banner and laid flowers in Tiananmen Square on Sept. 4 to commemorate pro-democracy demonstrators killed in 1989 [ see pp. 36720-22 ] .
19 23 were convicted of a related non-sexual offence ranging from burglary ( with intent to rape ) to assault occasioning actual bodily harm .
20 But the military were accused of intimidation by the opposition ; their role in putting down the pro-democracy uprising in nineteen eighty eight , has n't been forgotten .
21 Yet we know fur example that one in four British households in 1989 were comprised of people living on their own and one in three families were single parent families .
22 In the 1630s the two were convicted of breaking the newly enforced forest laws , by the alleged theft of wood ( to make charcoal ) and were fined the huge sum of £59,000 , eventually reduced to £12,000 .
23 Five people also had epilepsy , two were suspected of autism , two were thought to have psychiatric disorders and one had phenylketonuria .
24 One boy was dead and four were injured of whom one died a year later .
25 All four were acquitted of involvement in a bomb attack in Stockholm on April 7 , 1986 .
26 The four were accused of membership of the banned Shabab al-Nafeer al-Islami ( Islamic Vanguard Youth ) and of possessing weapons .
27 Two game park rangers accused of raping , murdering and dismembering the body of a British tourist , Julie Ward , in September 1988 were cleared of all charges by a Nairobi court on June 29 .
28 Most were disposed of at the Investigation Officer stage , though an interesting innovation in 1989 , which is to be extended nationally , is local conciliation by experienced solicitors designated as Local Conciliation Officers .
29 Both were accused of aiding and abetting the transfer abroad of £2.6m of St Piran assets in breach of the undertaking .
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