Example sentences of "[adj] were [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Examples of this were discussions of population growth which made no mention of birth control and figures on the distribution of the sexes through occupations which were offered without explanation or analysis . [ … ]
2 The main tenets of this were nationalisation of foreign concessions , expropriation of large landed estates ( although it was not specified to whom they should be transferred , an omission reflecting the ambivalent attitudes regarding the role of the peasantry , which proved one of the most controversial issues in the debates between Latin American and Soviet Marxisms ) , repudiation of the national debt , rejection of imperialist control over the economy , the fight for an eight-hour day and the ‘ stamping out of semi-slave-like conditions of labour ’ .
3 Added to all this were wrangles over the Community Budget and the Common Agricultural Policy together with the protective responses which followed in the wake of the oil price recessions of the 1970s and growing foreign competition .
4 On the one side of this were portraits of Wilson , Cathery , Chambers and Plimsoll .
5 2 of the youngest were refugees from Bosnia .
6 Funny were sort of company is n't it ?
7 Most of the latter were Scottish but a few were mercenaries from Denmark , Ireland , and as far afield even as Genoa .
8 The deliberate juxtaposition of these rituals of celebration has been done to suggest that the 1830s were years of transition in antislavery culture in which occasions of unity indicated growing divergences within the ‘ movement culture ’ .
9 There in 1751 in an army of 133,000 only 50,000 were natives of the various Prussian provinces ; and even in 1786 the proportion had risen only slightly , to 80,000 in a total of 190,000 .
10 The Middle East Economic Digest of April 26 reported that there were more than 1,000,000 Iraqi refugees in Iran , of whom 50,000 were Shias from southern Iraq , and the remainder Kurds .
11 All candidates in the elections of August 1985 were nominees of the Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tomé and Príncipe ( Movimento de Libertaçao de Sao Tomé e Príncipe — MLSTP ) , the sole legal political party .
12 In his section of the AB , Hincmar attributed many crucial diplomatic and political activities to queens : since some were activities of which he approved , and only some queens were credited with such roles , it seems less likely that he obsessively exaggerated the nefarious influence of women ( though misogyny was in the air breathed by medieval churchmen ) than that he accurately portrayed a feature of Carolingian political life underrecorded by other contemporary writers .
13 Some were girls like Anne , former shop workers or clerks , and many had worked in other factories .
14 Some were prisoners for four or five years .
15 Some were frescoes in the truest sense : colours were applied to wet plaster and left to sink into it as the plaster dried .
16 The carnivores of the Lower Triassic were from two groups : some were synapsids of the group Cynodontia , and others were early thecodontians .
17 One man , Hamad Hasan al-Harash , had a notebook in which he wrote down important events as he came across them : some were reports of what very old men had told him thirty or forty years ago ; others were things he had read ; others still were things which had happened to him .
18 Some were part of my social life as well , even if this was simply lunching together in the staff canteen or dropping into the pub for a drink on the way home .
19 Some were survivors of the Illyrians , others were Vlahs , a people of Romance speech whose name is related to Wallachia .
20 Some were crumbs of grass and mud ; some were not .
21 Some of the castings were intended to be worn as pendants , some were decorations for staffs , while others were vessels .
22 Some of the Morals group were also Queen Bees , some were Daughters of Scotland and strict Presbyterians ; the United Church itself — how could she attend it now ?
23 Some were veterans of News on Sunday 's many faction fights but now , for once , they stopped ganging up on each other and ganged up on Sutton .
24 All the items listed in section 2 were matters in which truth or falsity could be established as a matter of fact .
25 Between 1970 and 1989 , for example , four fifths of BBC governors were men , half had been privately educated and half were products of Oxford or Cambridge .
26 Half were victims of credit card fraud while 41 per cent were targets for shoplifters .
27 Fifty-three were the sons of MPs ( 18 per cent , much like the 17 per cent of Liberals ) and twelve of these sat for the same seat , although few like Stanley Baldwin succeeded directly ; fifteen of these fifty-three were sons of Liberals , further evidence of the value of recruits brought over in 1886 .
28 Thirteen were in-patients on the same unit and two out-patients .
29 In all Bede wrote thirty-five works , of which twenty were commentaries on Exodus , Proverbs , and other books of the Bible and six were works of chronology .
30 Of eleven main dailies , six were tabloids with 80 per cent of the circulation .
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