Example sentences of "[adj] that would be " in BNC.

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1 Personally I would be pleased to find a driver that works with any variety of the printer I had — after a life of driving everything as an Epson FX-80 that would be progress !
2 Oh that that would be a different ball game , selling it in places would n't it ?
3 No that that would be they 'd be expected Every person would have I imagine they would al well everybody had a white sheet just for this .
4 Before my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State made his announcement , Opposition Members accused us of creating a situation where there would be no taper , but a cut-off and said how cruel that would be .
5 This envisaged 300 first-past-the-post seats plus 175 that would be filled by proportional representation .
6 The starting point is an estimate of the nominal expenditure of £261 per child aged 5–17 that would be attracted by an average Borough in Inner London , simply on the basis of the estimated incidence of lone-parent families .
7 I had been given a week 's leave and so I hurried to Hastings as I felt sure that would be my last leave for some time .
8 They laughed along when Norm theatrically sipped his Scotch and said he was sure that would be welcomed on all sides of the house and especially in Scotland .
9 ‘ I 'm setting a deadline to open the course in spring 1994 , but if we can have it open in the late summer of 93 that would be ideal , ’ he said .
10 She thought of trying to brazen it out , but realized how futile that would be .
11 And supposing he were not ill at all — how embarrassing that would be .
12 We 'd stock up the shelves and by the middle of the afternoon all that would be left would be size 14s in puce and some size fives that maybe a girl would pop in and buy for a party just before we shut .
13 All that would be needed to perfect the system would be to eliminate the final and most tiresome source of error — the electors .
14 All that would be required is a change in practice .
15 All that would be necessary for a week like this one would be a miniature mucus-filled polythene bag — ‘ scratch 'n' burst ’ .
16 But all that would be to ignore its symbolic potency in defying a despotic age just lived through and narrowly survived .
17 All that would be necessary is that England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland should be treated as distinct electoral entities .
18 The Kodak laboratories of my eidesis were being dismantled ; soon all that would be left was an out-of-order passport-photo-booth , mouldering on an empty station platform .
19 Eventually , the star would be so dim that it could no longer be seen from the spaceship : all that would be left would be a black hole in space .
20 They know that all that would be put at risk if there were the prospect of a Labour Government .
21 In such circumstances , all that would be protected would be the employer 's " lead time " , the advantage of getting his product to the market place first .
22 But the other parts with the ribs and all that 'd be cut up given to the and the lodge itself for the .
23 Friday the six fourth that would be wo n't it ?
24 ‘ I do n't deny him the right to use whatever symbols he wants as an artist , but as a friend I was disappointed that he knew how inflammatory that would be to a Madness audience .
25 Think how scandalous that would be , McAllister , when they find me starved to death outside your door on the top landing .
26 It is logical to hypothesise that the implantation of refluxed endometrium will be more likely to occur with increased exposure to menstruation : women now experience over 450 menstruations during their reproductive lifetime rather than the 30 to 50 that would be expected without contraception and with long periods of lactation .
27 I told your chap , the one who came after me up home , 'bout nine that 'd be .
28 How delightful that would be !
29 Yes but it wou cos if you had the centre point up to the top of these two that 'd be hundred and twenty , hundred and twenty , hundred and twenty .
30 Anyone who has ever smelt an addled egg will know just how horrible that would be .
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