Example sentences of "[adj] as she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 She enjoyed nearly everything , even widow 's weeds perhaps most of all widow 's weeds , as her married life had not been as exciting as she might have wished , and besides , they were so graceful and pretty .
2 ‘ It 's a special design of Roman 's — it 's supposed to stay put , even in a strong wind , ’ Dana said , her high voice telling Claudia she was n't as calm as she would like to appear .
3 But she 'd be as cool and calm as she could as she tried to point out to Naylor Massingham the unfairness of his action .
4 ‘ We 'll make a proper job of this ! ’ she declared , and putting her fist into the crown , she forced it up as high as she could push it , and wore the resulting sombrero for the rest of the term .
5 Grinning conspiratorially , she reached up as high as she could , contorting her small body but not quite jumping .
6 She had to stand on her toes and reach up as high as she could with a walking-stick in order to hook the hat off the peg , and even then she only just made it .
7 Trying to look as dignified as she could , under the circumstances , she looked him straight in the eyes , with more than a touch of defiance .
8 I lose count of the lengths ; she 's at it for almost an hour , with her mind as empty as she can make it .
9 But she will probably already be experiencing more loneliness than they imagine , for much as she may enjoy her parent 's company , she will also have a need for other friendships and contacts with the world outside the home , and these may be very difficult for her to achieve .
10 The conventions prevented her from heaping any further abuse on Chay Bank , a housing project which she had frequently and loudly denounced , but near which she had never set foot : the precariousness of her own social position would forever prevent her from visiting Fred Bowen , and this yearly ritual meeting on neutral ground was as much as she would ever dare risk .
11 She would only bewilder him quite as much as she would distress him .
12 Thorny 's not strong enough , not as much as she would like , though she has very strong arms compared to most women .
13 Triangle 123 indicates the loss that arises because individual A does not consume as much as she would choose if there were no need to compromise .
14 ( 32 ) It was true that he himself was ignored by the countess as much as she dare ignore him …
15 Erm , living there because all can do at the moment , is work in a shop or a restaurant or something like that and she does n't get paid as much as she 'll get on Social Security so it 's not worth it ,
16 This probably accounted for the fact that she was not on duty at the theatre as much as she should have been and was very moody when she was there .
17 She then tries to get as much as she can while a third person holds the mirror .
18 It was as much as she could do to restrain herself from rushing forward to grasp his hand in a gesture of sympathy and solidarity .
19 It was as much as she could do to push the hand-cart and to carry her body around with her .
20 Clara dreaded the vacations , and tried to whittle them down as much as she could , by semi-obligatory study courses , and quasi-essential trips to the continent to learn the languages she was studying , but despite these nibblings and thefts , she still found herself obliged to spend a great deal of time each year in Hartley Road .
21 In the interval Frederica became useful for once , and recited to the bored young Grimauds as much as she could remember — and it was a great deal — of the thick , incomprehensible English verse .
22 She helped me as much as she could , but I knew it would take a long time to reach Estella 's level .
23 Dexter guessed that she thought the same as him but was keen to learn as much as she could from Blufton about Nicola and her motives for giving these ‘ facts ’ to the chairman of TVL .
24 She also wanted her own business , and during her years in the trade prepared herself for this by learning as much as she could about bookshop buying , repping and wholesaling , financial administration , rights and coeditions , export sales , publicity , and paid-for promotion .
25 She was wearing a pair of off-white trousers , which she had cuffed as much as she could at the ankles because of the heat , and a plain navy-coloured T-shirt , neither of which sported designer labels .
26 Claudia made up her mind that she would help Roman as much as she could .
27 She needed to learn as much as she could about this area of mental disturbance .
28 But she avoided Matthew as much as she could and had no wish to come in contact with Bunny Chaloner .
29 She flushed scarlet , hastily collected as much as she could carry and started off up the cliff path .
30 now erm as well as much as she could she was never in the house and the day that he died she did n't get there on time
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