Example sentences of "[adj] as [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I see this as such a rite of passage — you get signed to a major , you get money , you go into the studio , a big 24-track hubbub , either it sells or it does n't .
2 Is it surprising that against a background as inchoate as this a new and virile movement should have arisen , central to whose belief is the power and reality of the Holy Spirit ?
3 In order to be sure that our data would be as reliable as possible a decision was made to report only on those countries from which we had received at least three questionnaires among which there was a high level of agreement .
4 In a number of provisions the 1977 Protocols seek to restate the principles of the laws of war so as to make as clear as possible the unacceptability of ‘ total war ’ .
5 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
6 Forty years of political broadcasting and handling refugees had probably given Leni as good a sense of how the twilight world worked as Agnes had herself .
7 As ever , he sounded terribly plausible , and Charles was as willing as all the rest of the cast to believe what he said .
8 At first , such an interpretation seems impossible as all the Scriptures place the Messiah in the line of David .
9 In Italy , the government had hitherto emphasized as much as possible the potential for a European-led negotiated solution .
10 Consequently we utilise as much as possible the connections we have developed through industrial visits and the National Neighbourhood Engineering Scheme .
11 His face changed because his brother Stair was one of the party , escorting the young heiress to a beer barony in Milwaukee , which was as much as such a penniless man as himself could aspire to , especially as his title was a mere baronetcy .
12 We do not say that if a house is worth eight times as much as another the tax bill should be eight times as much .
13 Despite opposition to their plans from many independent experts , the commission says the angle is likely to be reduced by as much as half a degree within the two years .
14 It 's not a bad idea to make sure you change larger notes before you return from your holiday since — depending on where you 've been — you may lose out by as much as half a per cent on an exchange rate .
15 The total bill may be as much as half a million pounds .
16 Nothing was left of the hundreds of thousands of pounds — perhaps as much as half the floating capital of Scotland — that had been invested and over half the colonists were dead of hunger or disease .
17 The fact that the overlap of tax payments and transfers in cash and/or kind leaves as much as half the households in a broadly unchanged position has drawn criticism ( see Burton 1985 ) .
18 All experienced knitters know that different dyes knit up at different tensions ( I certainly know this from my experiments with the ballet cardigans — there can be as much as half an inch or about five millimetres difference in measuring the forty stitches ) .
19 In many of Morton 's experiments , priming effects of much longer duration were observed : there can be as much as half an hour between the primer and primed , or sometimes a day or more ( Scarborough , Cortese and Scarborough , 1977 ) .
20 As a staunch feminist , she grew alarmed as all the positions of power were taken by men .
21 Yet she was just as impotent as all the other times .
22 Construction of this project is relatively easy as all the parts , excepting the mains transformer and bridge rectifier , are assembled on a single printed circuit board .
23 His brother , Dong , ran yelling beside him , as shocked and bewildered as all the other coolies by their sudden freedom .
24 Mr Chairman I 'll try and be as brief as brief as possible the economic development strategy programme for nineteen ninety four , ninety five has been reduced in the light of the review of the activity concerned with the prosperity and consultation and with widely increased organisations and public agencies .
25 About as brief as all the models ' clothing .
26 Such a position would be quite incomprehensible if the main thrust of US policy was an attempt to run as large as possible a balance of payments deficit ( on current and long-term capital account ) in order to grab real resources from the rest of the world in exchange for paper dollars .
27 Indeed David Newbery , of the department of applied economics at Cambridge University , argues * that the costs of accidents may be as large as all the other costs that vehicles inflict on society taken together .
28 For Schopenhauer , valuable as all the arts were , music was the art which uniquely penetrated the depths of metaphysical reality and expressed the essence of that reality , the will , directly : " the composer reveals the innermost nature of the world and expresses the deepest wisdom in a language which his rational faculty does not understand " , Words , on the other hand , like the instruments of reason that they are , could only intrude from the secondary world of physical phenomena , with which true music was not concerned .
29 Obvious as such an approach may seem , it was a concept with revolutionary implications .
30 Later in the century the number shipped may have risen to as many as 100,000 a year , and the British share of the total certainly became larger .
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